Rising in Love Daily Meditation & Yoga Practice


[Edit] See Day 2 Post for up to date details.

Beginning tomorrow Monday 11th October 2021 at 8am (UTC+3) (same time every day unless announced otherwise) i will be live-streaming my Rising in Love Meditation and Kundalini Yoga daily practice.


i wrote in more detail yesterday in my post Help Me Please about why i am beginning to Live-Stream my practice. i invite you to read that post for more insight.

And i invite you to join me in my practice. See meeting link at bottom of post.

No download or registration required, just click the link (which will open in your browser), enter your name (real, fake or your Hive name) and click Join Meeting.

Wear loose comfortable clothes and have a yoga mat or a blanket plus a cushion or two to sit on available.

Ideally have your phone or computer set up so i can see and hear you. but you may choose to connect or to mute your audio and/or video for any or all of the live stream. There is a chat box available too if you prefer to type.

If your microphone is on, please join the live-stream silently until a suitable break if you wish to speak, but ideally join at 0755 hrs for Meet and greet.

You are welcome to join all or any part of the practice.
My full practice (and the Live-Stream) will begin at approximately 0740 hrs, as follows:

0740 hrs Silent meditation
0755 hrs Meet and greet & brief questions.
0800 hrs Guided meditation
0815 hrs Brief intro. followed by a guided Kundalini Yoga practice
0900 hrs Mantra singing See the Atmanna Mantra Songbook for lyrics.
0915 hrs Group sharing plus questions and answers
0930 hrs approx. Live-stream ends.

Click to join the Rising in Love Livestream

[UPDATE] i've been testing the link from my phone and had some technical difficulties. It works from my laptop though but i had to download the app for my phone. i will try to find a better solution for next time.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below.

With Love

All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

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