Aya's Ballet Performance at The Theater at Solaire

*Photo taken during backstage rehearsals and blockings

Last Sunday, we had the great pleasure of watching our little ballerina perform in the 30th ABAP Danseries at The Theater in Solaire. It wasn't like any other recitals she had before. Her ballet school performed with all the other schools in the big stage. That's right. We moved from mall shows the theater this time. It was such an experience not just for her but for me and my husband as well. Everything was so new to us, not just the day itself, but also the days and weeks leading to this.

Her ballet school started preparing for this Danseries months ahead. The choreography was started late September to early October and they've been rehearsing ever since. I must say the little ballerina has improved so much. On her previous school, I would have to take videos of their rehearsals and then she will watch it again and again at home when she rehearse by herself. Aside from that, I would also have to memorize the steps myself so that I could guide her.


This time, not only did I not have to do any of those, she took it upon herself to allocate time for her rehearsals at home. This was 100% her. Neither I nor Tatay had to rehearse with her at home. She only need my help on the parts where she needed a partner. Even then she needed no help for I was just there as a place holder.

Thanks to this recital, we were able to do some Philippine Geography lessons too. We had to go to other studios to rehearse with the different branches of her ballet school. The teacher did tell us that if she will join the recital, we will have to commit to the rehearsals and all other things that the Danseries will require us to do. We had to block out all of our weekends last November so that we could attend the rehearsals on different studio branches.

*Photo taken during backstage rehearsals and blockings

Although I did not have to put effort in memorizing the steps along with my daughter, as an official stage mom, I had to take care of other stuff like securing the costumes she used for her performance. She needed 3 sets of costumes. One set I had to order online, along with the other moms, another set I had to physically look for in Divisoria. How I missed going to this place. It's been years since I've been here. It was challenging to find the costume for the Nutcracker dance because I had to have the approval of the teacher first before I could buy it. Thank heavens for the internet, it was much easier to look for the dress while waiting for approval. I secured all the costumes weeks before their performance because I did not want to go through the hassle of having to find them in the last minute. There were some minor changes and other little things that needed to be added a few days before the actual dance but it's fine.

On the day itself, I had to wake up earlier than I usually do so that I could enjoy a peaceful cup of hot coffee before we headed to the Theater. She had a very early call time. We had to get there at 8:30 AM but the performance itself starts at 6:00 PM. Prior to that day, I have packed and repacked her bags just so I could make sure that we won't leave any of her costumes behind. I was just too excited and paranoid.

*Photo taken during backstage rehearsals and blockings

Parents are not allowed in the backstage so I needed to make sure that whoever will assist my daughter won't get confused with all the costume changes. I even gave explicit instructions to my daughter to ensure she won't lose any of her belongings. I've seen how turbulent the backstage scene could be during a performance. Me not being there to help her with the costume changes, eating, bathroom breaks, etc had me worried. She's a homeschooled child afterall and she isn't used to these kinds of scenario.

Tatay and I spent the whole day just hanging out at Solaire, looking for places where we could eat at for lunch and dinner. It was my first time goin in a Casino. It's like an arcade for the richest. Lol! There was a food court where they serve amazing food. The price though is a bit much but that's fine. We only have a short time for lunch with the kids and it's back to blockings and rehearsals again.


In the morning, the kids spent their time doing rehearsals and blockings. The afternoon was for pictorials and some last minute blockings with the other schools.

Then it was time for the big event itself. I can remember being teary eyed while I watched my little ballerina give her best, having fun performing on stage. She had a bit of a mishap but she powered through. Their school performed 5 different dances, she did 4 of those. I don't have any photos or videos of the actual performance, the Theater was really strict with their no camera rule. The volunteer staff were able to capture some moments backstage though. For now, that will do while we wait for the official photo and video coverage to be released.

*Photo taken during backstage rehearsals and blockings

All my worries melted away as I saw her dancing and smiling. All of her efforts paid off. That was all her. And to see that she was smiling amd having fun while doing what she loves, oh, it's so amazing.

After the dance, I was back to the worried mom mode again. We all had no idea where we should pick up the kids after their performance. After lots of looking and looking, I finally foumd my little ballerina. The volunteer staff assigned to her accidentally left her in the dressing room. Aya was able to get out of the studio and out into the lobby by herself. I saw her pulling her large travelling bag, her umbrella, and water bottle while still wearing her costume. I felt relieved to see her and at the same time I am so proud of her.

*Photo taken during backstage rehearsals and blockings

Performing on the big stage is a first for my little ballerina, it was also a first for me as a stage mom. We both learned a lot of new things that day and we discovered something new. She now knows that she can do a lot of things without the help of Nanay or Tatay. I also learned to let go a little bit. We both learned the value of independence. I am not just proud of her, I am very much confident that she will be able to handle more by herself in the future.

*backstage photos courtesy of volunteer staff. I have been given full permission by the ohoto owners to use the photos for this post.


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