FOODIES - Tropical Fruit Salad - Which was meant to have been punch... which then became punch!

Destiny has a way of catching up with us. You might set out on the path opposite to what you were intended for only to find you arriving at the same pre-determined destination... And this it was for this collection of fruit!

Pretty much ALL of the above fruit was bought as part of our new year's celebration. The idea had been that each one of the ladies would bring some vodka and we brought some tropical fruits and together with some fruit juice they would make one massive punch!

But when we had arrived at the party, fruit in hand, there was already punch and so much of it, nobody could finish it!

So all this wonderful fruit came back home and after a few day I decided that I really needed to make a fruit salad before it all goes to waste. One of the pineapples did not make it into the salad.

So I first cut and cubed the pineapple...

Peeled and cut up the mangoes.

The mango pips go to the kids so they can eat what is left on the pips.

Then I took the leaves off the strawberries and cut them into quarters.

And added to that the litchis that were shelled and the pips removed.

Then comes the skinned and sliced kiwi fruit. This is an imported fruit in South Africa. I do not think anyone grows them here. Thus they are quite expensive and quite a treat!

And there we have everything in the bowl. Time to toss this a bit and then to add some salad dressing.

For the salad dressing I took 2x freshly squeezed Oranges and added a little bit of dissolved syrup since I did not have and honey on hand.

That was mixed up and the salad dressing added. The salad dressing being a combination of sour and sweet. Finally this was then served to the family!

And then Destiny struck!

There was left-over salad and @clairemobey wanted to make a punch for home consumption!

Please see: Claire's Crazy Cakes, Bakes and Kitchen Hacks: Chapter 19 - Passion Party Punch

This is where the leftover salad becomes the PUNCH it was meant to be!

All roads lead to Rome as they say...


Hive South Africa

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