November – Mushroom month

This was actually a post from November , but I didn’t get to it because I was caught up with quite a lot of other projects…. Anyway, I can enjoy it in December or later in the winter too ;-)

Some people like mushrooms as objects to make pictures from but I just like to EAT them. Today I’ll share an easy recipe with you how I like my mushrooms and basically you could adapt it the way you like adding or leaving out ingredients to your own taste. I’d go for a lot of ingredients since mushrooms don’t have anything nutricious from theirselves.


For today I took some Portobello, Grigola and Trumpets. The last one give a particular taste to the dish.


Like I’ve told before: a nice bunch of ingredients to start with. Some people wouldn’t have been trying ginger in combination with mushrooms. Try it! But obviously not the quantity from in the picture – the same for the garlic, unless you’re French ;-)


Glase the onion, add the other vegetables, and fry for a few minutes. After that add the mushrooms and put a top on the fan, so the juice from the mushrooms doesn’t evaporate.


Add some cream or even milk and let evaporate till you’ve got the preferred thickness.

Toast some bread, put lettuce, or better spinach (like I did in the picture) or ruccola on it and put he mushrooms on top. The Gran Padana or Parmeggiano cheese gives an extra touch, and I put sometimes some (cold) chopped tomatoes on top as well.


Enjoy and feel free to comment

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