Papaya-Banana Smoothie Recipe with Powdered Milk as Requested by My Oldie!


Remember the papaya tree I shared here before? The one in our yard that has a lot of fruits? We already started harvesting some of those fruits, and guess what? They are already ripe and ready to be eaten. In fact, Mom already ate one of them. Then there's another ripe one, but mom wants something different this time. And you know what makes it more amazing? It's the fact that it only has a few seed inside, 4 seeds to be exact. I'm used with Papaya fruit having a lot of seeds you see (≧▽≦), lol.


Anyhow, it's the right timing too that we have a ripe banana now. She said she wants me to try and blend them together with milk. At first, I was like, "Is that combination okay?" So I voiced out my concern, and she just said, "Let's just find out. If it tastes good, then it's a good combination." And I was like, "Trying things again, we're not even sure about the outcome, lol (≧▽≦)."

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But just to be sure, I decided to look at papaya and banana combination juice or whatever on Google. And luckily, there's really that kind of combination. I mean, I really can't imagine the combination, but it works, so I'm going to share our own version of this. I'm not sure if this is still healthy, but maybe? And it's a special request from Mom, so let's go! Heh (≧▽≦).

So here are our main ingredients: 7 pieces of small banana and 1 big papaya. The more overripe the banana, the better. As for the papaya, this is just the right one—not overripe, just ripe.


And this is the special ingredients that Mom requested to mix with the smoothie. I'm just following what she wants, so I added this 33-gram powdered milk to the smoothie. It'll make the smoothie creamier, which will taste yummier, and Mom can enjoy it more too.

So I started with cutting our big papaya. Look at the color. I tried eating a small one while removing the skin, and it tasted so sweet. But seriously, I will never really like a papaya. Is it just me? I don't like the texture, I don't know. I still prefer a yellowish papaya, which is a little crunchy when you eat it. Then put some salt and vinegar and soak them. I can imagine it! Have you tried eating it that way? The papaya should be just a little ripe, just a little yellowish. Cut them into bite-sized pieces, sprinkle salt, and put vinegar on them, then eat. No joke, guys, it's the best!

Moving on, this is what I did to the banana and papaya. I cut them into pieces so they could be processed easily in the blender. With that too, we can cut down on the waiting process by blending it into a second. But you can cut them to whatever size you prefer, or just don't cut them and directly put them into the blender, maybe that's okay too, but I'm not sure. I still recommend cutting them like this, though.

After that, I set them aside and prepared the blender that we would use. I also get a half cup of water, as I plan to use it in the smoothie. We didn't use any ice or whatever because Mom planned to put them in the fridge. And seriously, I want to put chia seed in it too, sadly, we don't have that here. Maybe next time. I saw that kind of recipe with chia seed a while ago when I checked out this banana and papaya combination on the internet. And I'm also curious about that chia seed, heh.

Moments of truth! I put all the ingredients in the blender: papaya, banana, powdered milk, and half a cup of water. As for the pulse, I used the second one, the one that indicates a banana fruit (refer to the image above). As you noticed, I put the banana first on the blender as it is much harder than the papaya, and so it was placed at the bottom.

We had a hard time grinding it, but it went well in the end. I blend it for like 3 minutes until it just smooths. Look at that perfect texture and color, it's perfect. I had a taste of it, just a little bit. It's good, but it's not the kind of drink that I will drink regularly. Maybe just once every two years? Hahaha (≧▽≦).

And here's our smoothie, ready to be served! But wait, we have to chill it first to make it taste yummier. So, Mom put this on the fridge while I put the rest on plastic, like the kind of plastic used for ice candy. Mom wants it like that, lol. She will drink it with Mommy D, so └|∵|┐♪. As for me, I already had a taste, so they don't need to give me more. They can enjoy it to their hearts content, she is urging me drink more but no thanks, hehe.

So what about you guys? Have you tried this combination before? What can you say about it? With this combination, it really has a lot of health benefits that are good for the body. This is really what my oldies need. When Mom finally drank her smoothie, she said, "Nice, this is what I want and what I need. I didn't know that this combination would taste this good." She's really happy └|∵|┐♪.


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