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Some happy moments together

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
All praise be to Allah Almighty.

My dear readers brothers and sisters, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, how are you all, I hope everyone is doing very well with the infinite mercy of Allah, I am also very well with your prayers and the infinite mercy of Allah, Alhamdulillah. So friends, today I will share a very nice recipe with you. And share with you some of our beautiful moments with her, hope you will like it.

Some happy moments together


As everyone comes to our house we do this every year since my marriage I have been doing this every time when everyone comes to our house especially my niece and nephew come to our house in winter time we have a picnic or something so I thought today is like this. Let's do something to make everyone feel better. Everyone is upset about me since morning.

To make everyone happy, I and my nieces made a plan together. Without delay, I have an older niece and sent her to the market, especially the advice was to buy tilapia fish, since today we decided to fry fish.



But our bad luck we didn't get tilapia fish then finally we got these fishes then brought the fishes home they were cut and cleaned.



Then what I did was take all the spices we need in a plate and then one by one I spread the spices nicely in each fish and put them in another place so that the spices can penetrate the fish well.



The next thing we did was we decided not to cook in the stove we would make a separate house and cook in the pit as we were having a picnic so we all made a house together.


After the fish were well marinated we left the fish in the prize for a while and after evening I started a fire in the stove.

Next thing I did was put the oil in the fire well and after the oil was hot enough we started frying the fishes one by one.



I reduced the flame a lot and fried more fishes until they were brown and crispy so that they were very crunchy and tasty.

However, when the fishes were finally fried, we all happily ate the fishes. It was a very good evening and if you can have a little fun like this in winter, then there is nothing more to say.

Everyone spent today very happily. We like it very much. I am sharing the pictures with you. I hope you will like it too. If you want, you can fry fish like this this winter.

Wishing everyone to be well and healthy, I bid farewell here today. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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