Deliciously Different: how to make bean pudding

Happy weekend to you all, and so today, I will be preparing something different from the usual ingredients most people have at home, which is popularly known as beans. So let's get into the kitchen and see what I was talking about.


Beans (200g)

Red pepper (50g)

Bell pepper (10g)

Salt (full teaspoon)

Fish (400g)

Egg (2 pieces)

Onion (1 small piece)

Seasoning cube (2 cubes)


I poured the beans into a bowl, then poured water to soak for some two seconds, and then I started peeling the back by scrubbing them together until the brown cover was out and the beans were white, then I threw the shaft away.


I cut the fish into smaller pieces, wash the dirt off, and then pack them into a clean pot,t and add water to boil. I also put the eggs into the fish pot and then added half a teaspoon of salt to taste, then put it on the burner to boil.


I rinsed the peppers and then poured them inside the soaked beans. I peeled the onion back and then cut it into pieces inside the beans as well.


I made use of a big spoon to pack the beans and the pepper with the onion inside a blender. I added two teacups of water to the blender. I blended the beans in two batches.


I blended it for 4 minutes because beans don't blend easily and I needed it to be very smooth. So I poured everything inside a clean bowl after blending.


The fish was cooked already, so I removed it from the burner and then deboned it. I also removed the eggshell and then cut each one of them into four pieces and set them aside.


Now let's bring everything together. I transferred the blended beans into a bigger bowl, added the remaining half teaspoon of salt, and also added two cubes as well, then made use of a turning stick to mix it so that the seasoning could influence the beans.


Now it's time to pack it. I made use of a teacup to pour the bean mixture into a nylon bag and then made use of a spoon to add the deboned fish and one of the egg pieces, then tied the mouth.


The same process was applied to the rest of the mixture; after that, I packed everything into a big pot, added water, and then cooked for 20 minutes.


Now that the bean pudding is ready, it can be served with bread, pap, or custard, and it can also be served like that.


Let me know what you think about this bean pudding in the comment section.

Thanks for stopping by 💞

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