Misadventures In The Kitchen

Well, sometimes you try something new and it doesn't work out. This was one of those times.

One of the pains in my allergic butt is that I am allergic to all oils except olive and coconut. This makes prepared anything difficult, because pretty much all prepared foods are using canola, corn, vegetable, or soy. I can cheat on this somewhat (soy oil is apparently denatured enough I usually give it a pass), but I try not to.

Mayonnaise is very oil heavy, and none of them are all olive or coconut. Ones that say they are olive mayo in the store are still predominately canola. So I thought, I will make it myself!

First I had fun trying a kitchen hack I learned long ago. The original recipe I was using wanted just an egg yolk, so I used an empty plastic bottle to separate the yolk from the white:

Squeeze the bottle

Unsqueeze it while touching the yolk, and it will slurp it up!

Squeeze it out into your mixing bowl.

Then I added the other ingredients called for in that recipe. Lemon juice:

One cup of oil


Wisked it all together. Very yellow, but my egg yolk was orange and olive oil is golden colored, so I figured it was just a color difference.

Oh no. It tasted HORRIBLE.

If you're the type of person who likes to dip your bread in straight olive oil and raw egg, more power to you, but I am not. It just tasted like Weird Olive Oil.

This was a rescue mission now. I started googling other recipes, specifically "olive oil mayonnaise," to see what they added, and I started throwing things in. Added the egg white, since other recipes used the whole egg. More lemon juice. Mustard:

they wanted Dijon but I only had yellow


they wanted white wine vinegar but I didn't have any of that so I tried white vinegar

Black pepper:

A second egg, that was my idea just to try and get the oil ratio down:

But it still was Weird Olive Oil.

I put it in the fridge in case chilling it makes a difference, but I am not hopeful. Now I know why they don't sell straight olive oil mayo in the store - because it doesn't taste like mayonnaise!

Oh well. I tried. Not every recipe is a success!

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