Cook with Patsitivity: Homemade goodness you'll crave every day

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I love bruschettas!

My first encounter with bruschettas was when my boyfriend treated me to dinner at Tales and Feelings or I might've heard and eaten this before but I might've not paid attention. Nonetheless, the bruschettas at Tales and Feelings were too exemptional you'd know it just by looking at the price tag. Haha! Kidding aside, it was indeed perfect that I craved it right after devouring the one serving we ordered.

We've been hopping from one restaurant to another looking for the best bruschettas in town; some were great but not better than Tales and Feelings' while most were given the "Is this even bruschettas?" review haha

This food blog might be the shortest one I've ever crafted because who would've thought that bruschettas are so easy to make at home you wouldn't want to order or buy it somewhere else. Trust me! This is easy but let me say it straight, it ain't cheap honey!


First, you need bread. In my little hometown, the only available were these freshly baked baguettes and I'm not complaining because there's only one store selling this, and it's not always available. So really happy we found one without even trying!

If you have access to more options, make sure to choose the best one!


Then cut it diagonally like the ones below:


Before preparing this, I watched at least three videos of "How to make the best bruschettas" and each one of them is partly different from the other. Which one to follow? Well, I used all of them somehow.

Next, you'll need tomatoes. There are many types of tomatoes but in my hometown, there's only one type that's readily available in supermarkets. At times, you gotta use what you have access to.



You'll also need balsamic vinegar and olive oil. I used 1 tablespoon for each but you can adjust according to your preference.



This is the fun part! There's no fresh basil in town but my boyfriend who's a researcher/walking scientist tried his best to find alternatives. I don't know what these leaves are called but he found them in our backyard together with the weeds. These have a minty flavor; we're still alive so it's not poisonous! Good thing! Haha 😂

If you have basil, just use basil. Chopped them thinly and set aside.

Of course, minced garlic couldn't be missing in this recipe.


And... yep, I didn't forget, ricotta! I'm not a big fan of cheese but when I had bruschettas at Tales and Feelings, I was determined to recreate their recipe. It had ricotta so despite being too expensive for a regular household, bought it just to recreate the whole Tales and Feelings' bruschetta experience.


Let's cook shall we?

I wouldn't really say that this is cooking or baking but whatever, all I know if you have to be ready to droll nonstop! 😂

Here we go!

Combine the minced tomatoes, basil leaves (or its substitute), and minced garlic. Add in the balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Set aside.


Brush oil with garlic in the bread before tossing them in the toaster for a minute or two or just enough to make them crunchy.


Add ricotta to the toasted bread, it's up to you how much you spread on top. In our case, it's obvious we just love ricotta!


Get the tomato mixture you set aside earlier and put it evenly on top of the ricotta. You can drizzle more balsamic vinegar as garnish.

Tada! Finish products for today's food blog. They look appetizing, right?


More photos to convince you to make this at home:




What are you waiting for, grab the ingredients and make one for your yourself or for your family. 😋

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Living life intentionally every single day, she believes that there’s no limit to one’s potentials. Right now, she’s on the loose for the pursuit of endless holistic self-growth and development. She wants to light the way for others. She believes there’s no better way to leave a legacy than to pay it forward.

Her ultimate goal in life is to reach the state of enlightenment where there’s nothing but peace, love, happiness, and contentment - nothing more, nothing less.

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