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My Cooking of Wild Moose Liver - Not Bad at All

Liver in Sour Creem with Carrots and Onions

Those of you who read my previous recipes may remember that I am lucky to have a friend who is a hunter, and he can sometimes bring me some meat after his hunting in our forests. That time I got some liver of a moose. I took it yesterday from my fridge, so I cannot say for sure what the season was when he got it. What I have no doubt about is that hunting is allowed only under a license, so nothing illegal at a hundred percent.

As I have liver, I must decide how to cook it, but first some words about this product.

You probably know that animal liver has many valuable components and concentration of vitamins, minerals, protein and nutrients in it is high. it is rich in iron, copper, zinc, selenium and chlorine. It contains vitamin A (good for eyesight and immune system) and vitamins of B-group, such as B12 (good for blood and brain work), B2 (blood, brain and metabolic processes in the body) and B9 (necessary for hematopoiesis and health of the nervous system).

Being so rich in metalls, liver may have some specific metallic taste which not everybody likes. You can lessen it a lot if you soak your piece of liver in milk for some hours before cooking. That was what I did.

I decided to cook the liver in sour creem with vegetables.

While the liver was soaking in milk, I peeled two onions and two carrots. They both were big in size. I decided that the more vegetables the better, and in the end I could see that it was a right decision.

First, I cut the onions in quite big pieces and caramelized slightly in the oil.

Meanwhile, I grated the carrots and then mixed with the onion in the frying pan.

You can see in the picture that I added some butter too.

Once the onions and carrots were cooked, I took them out from the pan and set aside.

Now it is the turn for the liver.

I took it from the milk and slightly dried with paper towel.
My piece had membranes, so I removed them and then I cut the liver into pieces of medium size.

I put some flour on a plate (the amount of flour depends on the weight of the liver you have), mixed it thoroughly with salt and black pepper (to taste) and coated each piece of liver in this mixture.

I added a bit more cooking oil on the preheated frying pan and briefly cooked the liver over medium heat - for about 1-2 minutes per side.

When the liver was halfready, I put onions and carrots back to the pan too. You can see how much vegetable mixture I have got, I would say - as much as liver.

In a bowl, I mixed about 200 gr of sour creem with the same amount of reach milk and poured it on the content of the pan.

On this stage, I added some dry garlic powder and fresh dill. You can also check if it has enough salt and may add. Continue cooking the dish under lid for about 2 more minutes.

Remember not to overcook your dish or liver can become tough.

When it was done, I served it with boiled potatoes. For me, they match best.

Here are the links to my previous posts with my recipes I used cooking the "gifts" of wild nature from friend the hunter:

Wild Duck with Apples, Cooked in Wine in a Roasting Bag
Small Pies with Wild Elk Lungs

Те из вас, кто читал мои предыдущие рецепты, возможно, пoмнят, что мне повезло иметь друга-охотника, и что мне иногда достается немного мяса после его охоты в наших лесах. В тот раз мне досталась печень лося. Я достала ее вчера из холодильника, поэтому не могу точно сказать, в какое время года он его заполучил. В чем я точно не сомневаюсь, так это в том, что охота у нас разрешена только по лицензии, так что ничего противозаконного на сто процентов.

Вы, наверное, знаете, что в печени много ценных компонентов и в ней высокая концентрация витаминов и минералов.
Однако, несмотря на такую полезность, есть много людей, которым не нравится печень из-за специфического запаха и металлического привкуса. Всё это можно значительно уменьшить, если на несколько часов замочить кусок печени в молоке, что я и сделала.

Поэтапный процесс приготовления виден на фото. Очень важный момент - чтобы печень была нежной, её нельзя готовить долго. И овощи - чем их больше, тем лучше - в разумных пределах, конечно.

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