Raspberry ice cream! (Organic! Haha) - 07142022


Hello friends in the US!

I received a call from a professor and his wife who were very helpful to me when I was a student. They said, "We had lots of raspberries this year, and we made ice cream!" and sent lots of pictures to me.

It's a long story, but when I was studying in the U.S., they were very helpful to me. They taught me many things as if I were their own son. They often invited me and many of my friends to their house, and since my professor's wife is from Taiwan, she cooked many delicious Taiwanese dishes for us. I remember I was so surprised to see my professor who is American who spoke Chinese so fluently for the first time in my life.

It is said that it is very difficult for people from outside the Chinese character culture, especially Westerners, to master the Chinese language, but I felt that meeting the professor taught me that anything is possible, that dreams can come true, and that although it is difficult, it is not impossible.

The professor and his wife taught in Macau, but after retiring, they moved to the United States. Now that they are retired, they seem to be living and enjoying nature, such as going to the forest to get raspberries, as shown in the photos.

They also interpreted and guided me and my family when we traveled together to the inland of China. We had really good memories and I really appreciate it. I thought as I looked at the raspberry ice cream that it had been a long time since I had been to the U.S. and wished I could see them both again!! Oh, amazing! It looks yummy! I miss them!


学生時代にとてもお世話になった教授夫妻から連絡があった。 「今年はラズベリーがたくさんなってて、アイスクリームをつくりました!」と写真と共に送ってくれました。

話せば長くなるのですが、わたしがアメリカに留学していた時に、とてもお世話になりました。 わたしを実の息子のように、色々とたくさんのことを教えてくれました。 家にもよくわたしやたくさんの友人を招待してくれて、奥さんは台湾出身の為、たくさん美味しい台湾料理を作ってくれました。 教授は中国語が流暢で、アメリカ人でこんなに流暢に中国語を話す人を人生で初めて見て、びっくりしたのを覚えています。


教授夫妻はマカオで教鞭をとっていたのですが、引退後はアメリカに引っ越ししたようです。 今は引退後、送ってくれた写真のようにラズベリーを森に取りに行ったり、自然を楽しみながら暮らしているようです。

一緒に中国の奥地に旅行に行った時も通訳と案内をしてくれました。 本当に良い思い出が出来て、本当に感謝しています。 久しぶりにアメリカに行って、2人に会いたいなぁとラズベリーアイスをみながら思いました。 それにしても、おいしそうだなぁー!!

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦

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