Special Jollof Rice With Smoked Fish Recipe


Good evening from this part of the world, hope you guys are all doing good? I'm mistural and I'd welcome you all to my food blog.

For the past few days I've been ill, but I still manage to come online and interact with my friends, infact I didn't tell anyone about it. I took some drugs recommend by the doctor and now I'm feeling better, I'll resume creating quality food recipe. This afternoon was quite different, I was home alone watching movies (Tv series), then there was the advertisment about jollof rice, I immediately leaped up and headed to the kitchen to make my own. All the ingredients are already at home, mum bought fish last night so I lack nothing.

The Ingredients
  • Rice (Parboiled)

  • Smoked Fish

  • Red Pepper

  • Tomato paste

  • Onions

  • Tomatoes (Raw)

  • Bay Leaf

Step 1: Wash and rinse the rice, then quickly parboiled the rice (don't add salt)


Step 2: Slice the raw tomatoes, and the onions then set aside.


Step 3: Wash and rinse the smoked fish with warm water to remove the dirt, the tear into pieces


Step 4: Place the cooking pot in a high medium heat, preheat the vegetable oil, add the Red pepper and sliced onions. Then fry for some minute. Add little water and the bay leaves, then cook for 15 minutes.


Step 5: Now add the parboiled rice, then stir together and add the smoked fish and cook till the water dried.


Turn off the heat, serve the jollof rice and decorate with the sliced tomatoes, I added salad to the recipe, this is to increase the veggies in the meal.


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