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Homemade Ugu And Okazi Vegetable Soup || Why Vegetables Are Important To The Body System


Hello, everyone. My name is Mistural, and I'd like to welcome you to my blog. Today, we'll create a unique delicacy called ugu and okazi soup. While I lived in the East, it was one of my favorite meal recipes. For mine, I'm going to make it a little more delectable. This is going to smell and look amazing.

In the eastern part of Nigeria, ugu and okazi soup is one of the most popular current dishes. It is valued by millions of people every day. It's easy to make, quick to prepare, and delicious to eat. Ugu and okazi soup has always been one of my favorite dishes. They're lovely and they look fantastic.

Okazi is also known as Afang, I've previously posted a recipe for Afang soup, which you can find here. Okazi leaves (also known as Afang leaves by the Efiks) and water leaves are among the veggies used in the Okazi soup (spinach and lamb lettuce can be used as alternatives for this vegetable).

To get started with this dish, we'll need to get a few things ready. Ugu and okazi soup can be made with this unique ingredients and by following the steps below.

You can check my previous food recipe Eastern Part Of Nigerian Local Delicacy || Oha Soup Recipe

The Ingredients

  • Okazi Leave

  • Ugu Leave

  • Palm Oil

  • Beef

  • Pomo (cow skin)

  • Snail (already made)

  • Blended Pepper

  • Sliced Onions (for the Beef and Pomo)

  • Stock Fish

  • Maggi and Salt

Step 1: The very first step is to wash and slice the Okazi leave, then do the same for the Ugu leave and set both aside

Step 2: Now wash the beef, pomo (cow skin) and stock fish and seasoning then add the sliced onions and boil.

Step 3: After 10 minutes, separate the stocks (beef, pomo and fish) from the water, then add palm oil and blended pepper and allow to boil for 4 minutes.

Step 4: Add the sliced Okazi leave, then allow to cook for 3 minutes, add the sliced Ugu leave and allow to cook for another 3 minutes.

Step 5: Add the stocks (Beef, Pomo and Stock Fish) then add the Maggi and salt to taste cover and cook for 10 minutes.

Turn off the heat, then dish out and make sure you serve hot, you can enjoy this unique soup with any swallow of your choice
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Why Vegetables Are Important To The Body System

You might be wondering why this soup contains two different vegetables, well I’ll quickly state 4 reasons why vegetables are important to the body

  • Vegetable contains fiber this allow us to get filled faster even when we consume less.

  • Vegetables contains a lot of antioxidants and phytochemicals this helps to fight inflammation in the body system

  • Eyes treatment, the main reason why my mum loves vegetables so much, one of the nutrients in vegetable is Lutein, this helps to improve the vision and it’s very beneficial to the people with low vision and eyes problem

  • Finally, Vegetable contains vitamin C which is very important to the immune system. And we all know the importance of the immune system so eating vegetables will help improve and build the immune system.

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