Vietnamese steamed rice rolls- Banh Cuon

Having a free afternoon today, I decided to make a popular dish in my country named steamed rice rolls (banh cuon). Although this is one of the typical dishes in Vietnam, the ingredients are not too difficult to find and I believe any of you can make it.

How to prepare ingredients:

  • For the batter: mix rice flour, tapioca flour, vegetable oil, a little sugar, and salt altogether; add water to the mixture to turn it into a liquid. Let it rest for about 20 minutes.


  • For the filling: add seasonings into a mixture of ground pork, wood ear mushrooms, and jicama; then bring a pan to medium heat, add vegetable oil and stir the mixture in 5 minutes


How to make the rolls:

  • Heat up a pan to medium heat, then cover it with some vegetable oil. Pour a thin layer of the batter and put a lid on the pan. After 30 seconds, the batter will become translucent, it's time to add the stirred filling. Use a chopstick to carefully roll the batter in a way that the filling is right in the center so that a roll is formed. You can also take the cooked batter out of the pan and add the stirred filling later (your skill will decide the appearance of your roll :)))


The final step

  • Put the rolls on a dish, arrange cut pork bologna, fermented pork, sliced cucumber, and boiled bean sprouts around. Top the dish with fried red onion and herbs.
  • The dish is served with Vietnamese fish sauce


Even though there are several versions of Banh cuon across my country, they all have the very typical flavor from the harmony of different ingredients. This pleasant flavor along with the soft texture of the cooked batter is something you will never forget.


Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope that my sharing can give you some ideas to vary your daily meals and kindle your interest in cooking.
Best regards,

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