Sop Ceker: Me and my husband's favorite menu.


In a previous post I have also made a food menu with claw-based ingredients, namely soto claws, not without reason I made food made from claws, because compared to chicken meat, my husband and I prefer the claws, there is a different sensation when we eat chicken claws compared to the meat, maybe because of the struggle to get a piece of meat between the chicken legs, besides that the smell of the shredded claws is far more distinctively fragrant than the chicken meat itself.

And on this menu, I will make our favorite dish, namely chicken claw soup. This food is very suitable to eat at night, especially if the weather is cold, so the spices contained in the soup can warm our bodies. Soup will also be tastier when paired with spicy soy sauce, so that the flavor will be more pronounced and our bodies will also feel warmer.



And once again when I share food recipes with all hives friends, I only cook and share recipes that we like, not based on standard recipes that are liked by many people in general. For example, when making this claw soup, many people add nutmeg, cinnamon, and fried onions to put on top of the soup so that it smells much more fragrant. However, I didn't include these ingredients because my husband didn't really like the ingredients when they were added to the soup I made. So I share this recipe which really fits my recipe.

Materials needed are.

1. 500 grams of claws, cut the nails, and wash thoroughly


2. 100 grams of potatoes,
3. 100 grams of carrots


4. 2 cloves of red onion


5. 2 cloves of garlic


6. 2 hazelnuts


7. 1 tomato


8. Celery leaves and pre leaves to taste


9. Salt


10. 2 to 4 cloves


11. White pepper to taste


12. One and a half liters of water

How to make :

1. Boil the claws with one and a half liters of water


2. While waiting for the claws to be cooked, puree the spices, namely shallots, garlic, candlenuts, white pepper, cloves and blend until smooth.


3. Peel the potatoes, wash them and roughly chop them into small pieces
4. Peel the carrots and chop roughly



5. Finely chop the celery and pre leaves and coarsely chop the tomatoes, put them in a bowl.


6. After the claw stew boils, add the potato and carrot pieces and let it simmer until it comes back to a boil


7. After boiling, add the spices that have been pureed and add salt to taste.
8. After it is cooked, mix the sliced ​​tomatoes, celery leaves and pre leaves


9. Turn off the stove, the soup can be served with soy sauce so that the taste is much more delicious and the spiciness is even more spicy.


How to make Soy Sauce.

Necessary materials :

1. 1 clove of red onion
2. 2 cloves of garlic
3. Half a tomato
4. Red chili according to taste
5. Soy sauce
6. Salt to taste.

How to make :

1. Wash all the ingredients


2. Then fry in hot oil for a while, until the chilies, onions and tomatoes are wilted



3. After that, add the fried chilies and onions into the blender


4. Mix the sweet soy sauce, and salt to taste, blender until smooth


5. The soy sauce can be served.



Thank you, that was how to make my version of the claw soup, good luck, and greetings from us Tomi and Maya from Binjai City, Indonesia

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