Rujak Sabang : a typical Sabang salad that can only be found in Sabang City, Banda Aceh.


When traveling to Sabang City, there are many typical culinary delights of this region that we do not find in other areas, including the city of Banda Aceh itself. There are many types of typical food from the city of Sabang, ranging from snacks, main meals, snacks and various types of noodles that are delicious and light in taste.

One of the typical foods of Sabang City that you must try is. The fruit salad which once again will only be found in the city of Sabang. What makes this rujak different from the existing rujak from other regions is. The existence of a mixture to make salad seasoning that is not owned by other regions. One of the things that caught my attention was the mixture of Rumbiah fruit which was used to make the salad dressing, green rumbiah fruit and coarse pores arranged hanging like decorations and became a special attraction for local and foreign tourists.




The rumbiah fruit, also known as the forest bark, which in my area is better known as the palm tree or sago tree, and I really didn't think that this fruit could be processed into a very delicious salad dressing. This herbaceous tree usually lives in swamps. Then while enjoying the salad that we bought on the island of Sabang, we looked for information from the salad seller. And it turns out that this rumbiah fruit is not just a salad mix here. This rumbiah fruit can also be processed into pickles which have been a cottage industry since ancient times in the city of Aceh. And it turns out that this herbaceous fruit can also be used for weight gain programs, because of its high carbohydrate content.



In addition, the rumbiah fruit can also be useful for treating diarrhea, the use of the rumbiah fruit for diarrhea medicine is by splitting the rumbiah fruit into 2 parts and then soaking it in hot water for approximately 15 to 25 minutes. After that drink the water soaked in the fruit. Actually we still want to ask directly about this fruit, but because this place is getting more and more crowded with visitors, we don't continue to look for other information.



In addition to rumbiah fruit, there is one more fruit as a mixture of rujak spices in the city of Sabang, namely kawis fruit. This fruit is small round with a hard skin and has a brown fruit inside if you cut it open, and when I tried the taste of this fruit, it turned out to be a sweet fruit with a fragrant aroma, and in Aceh, kawis fruit is also used to make syrup. as a home industry in Sabang City.



From the mixture of these two fruits, the taste of the rujak seasoning that is here is indeed different from the one in the city of Lainny. The flavor of the spices is more fragrant and the sweetness is more concentrated but not like the sweetness of sugar. How are you curious about rujak sabang? Obviously it feels solid. Finished here, our post about this Sabang salad. Hope you like it. Greetings from us, Tomi and Maya from Binjai City, Indonesia. Stay tuned for our next trip. Warm greetings, healthy and happy always for all Hive friends. Thank you for supporting us all this time.




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