Fruit Rujak (Fruit Salat), Spicy, sour and sweet food is appetizing


As an Indonesian citizen, of course spicy food is our prima donna, every day there is always sambal on the table, and there are always processed foods that smell spicy, one of which is not to be missed is Rujak.


Rujak is a food with a collection of various kinds of fresh fruits that are sprinkled with chili seasoning. There are many variants of Rujak seasoning in Indonesia and I made my own version of the rujak seasoning at home.


Ingredients for making Rujak Seasoning :

1 handful of roasted peanuts


150 grams, palm sugar

5 to 10 pieces of cayenne pepper (according to taste)

Tamarind to taste


Sweet soy sauce to taste


Salt a little

How to make :

1. Grind until smooth cayenne pepper with a little salt


2. Once smooth, add the fried peanuts and grind again until smooth


3. After that add palm sugar and tamarind then grind again until all the ingredients are smooth and evenly mixed


4. After mixed evenly add sweet soy sauce to taste, not too much because it will taste strange.


5. Seasoning Rujak is ready to serve.

For the selection of fruit, you can make any fruit according to your individual tastes, but here I use more mangoes because in front of my house there is a sweet fragrant mango which really arouses my taste, the mango is not too ripe, the color is still green, but therein lies the taste, because with the slightly sour mango taste it adds to my enthusiasm to eat the fruit mixed with the rujak seasoning which tastes really appetizing.



Even when I'm just typing this and imagining the mango I ate this afternoon, I almost salivate.. the taste is great.



So many posts from me, good luck and enjoy and thank you for giving us a lot of support. warm greetings from Tomi and Maya from Medan, Indonesia

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