Steak Bites With Garlic Butter And Creamy Garlic Mushroom Recipe

Today's Dinner Idea From Mac's Cooking Lab

Steak Bites and Creamy Garlic Mushroom

🕑 about 45 to 50 min | 🍴 3-4 Persons

An easy meal, hearty, and delicious, this menu is best served when you have friends or family coming over. In this blog, I will share two recipes as they can be eaten together. The first one that I will show you is how to make Steak Bites With Garlic Butter and the second will be Creamy Garlic Mushroom recipe.


Steak Bites With Garlic Butter


1 pounds steak cut into small cubes
2 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons butter
5 cloves of minced garlic
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon oregano 
1 tablespoon minced parsley
2 tablespoon lemon juice 


Marinade the cubed steak with salt, pepper, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and oregano. Let it rest for 15 minutes. 
After 15 minutes, heat the olive oil in  a pan. Place the steak and season it again. 
Cook the steak until it changes the color. Add the butter, minced garlic into the pan. Cook until the cubes are changing its color.
Transfer the steak bites into another plate and let it rest. 


Creamy Garlic Mushroom


1 pounds mushroom chopped
2 tablespoons butter
4 cloves of minced garlic
1 garlic chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon minced parsley
2 tablespoon lemon juice 
100ml milk
2 tablespoon all-purpose-flour 
Grated Cheese


Cook the chopped mushroom into the pan that was used for the steak for 5 minutes until it changes the color . Transfer into a plate.
In a skillet, saute the garlic, onion, add butter, milk, all-purpose flour and lemon jusice. 
Season with salt, pepper. Stir well for 3 minutes.  
Add the mushroom into the mixture. 
Garnish with chopped parsley. 
Let me know in the comment section if you tried making this recipe before!


~ Mac


Mac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, Mac enjoys learning art and exploring new hobbies.
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