They say If you eat this food you can't buy a house!

They say if you eat this breakfast every day, you won't buy a house. But is it really? This simple, nutritious breakfast I am about to share was hyped once, and everyone associated this food with Millenials. I don't know the actual reason, but this breakfast is healthier than your sugar-packed cereals.

Meet Avocado Toast

This toast was making it to news headlines worldwide. According to an Australian millionaire, a simple toast with Avocado on top will hinder your ability to buy a house. An avocado toast cost roughly around 15-19$, but this isn't the case in another part of the world. Avocado is easy to find and relatively cheap. It is affordable, but it also contains high nutrients, especially vitamin K.

It also has more potassium than a banana and a source of healthy, hearty monosaturated fat. If you want to read more on Avocado's proven health benefits, check out the 12 Proven Health Benefits of Avocado

Without further adieu, let's get into the cooking lab.



ServingReady inCooking Difficulty
1 person10 minutes⭐️(easy)


  1. 1 avocado
  2. 2 bread
  3. 1 egg



ToastMix and mashServe it
  • Toast 2 slices of bread until it turns golden brown or as you desired.
  • In a bowl, mix and mash avocado with spices of your preference. The herbs that I use are oregano, turmeric, black pepper, and salt.
  • In a skillet, make sunny side up eggs to add more protein into your toast. You can also skip this step if you want to go vegetarian.


Note from Mac

In this recipe, I added an extra egg to add choline into my day. I need some sources of choline to enhance the effect of stimulants. You can always skip the egg and replace it with chili flakes to add more flavors.

This recipe is easy to make, cheap, and nutritious. So, I don't understand why that particular Australian millionaire says that this food is a waste of money. In an interview published by Guardian, the millionaire said that when he was young, he didn't have the time to even think about the food.

Sure, working hard is necessary. However, today people are also more aware and care about their longevity. This is why eating healthy should be encouraged instead of discouraged. If people eat healthier, taking care of their sleep, body, it will be easier for them to reach their peak performance.

~ Mac


Mac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning art and exploring new hobbies. In Hive, she enjoys writing essays, reviews, and answering life philosophical questions.
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