Delighting in the good harvest of my papaya tree.


Greetings everyone,

Today I'm going to share one of my successful harvests that I planted a year ago after a strong typhoon hits our province.


Maybe many of us already know this fruit. In our dialect, we call it papayas (papaya). Usually, when it's wild papaya, they grow really tall and there are others that also dwarf papaya where you can only reach the fruits with your hand while standing. Most of the papaya trees don't have branches although if they have usually they are been injured that causing a branch to grow. Its body has a great pattern from the past leaves until it grows higher. Its body also is covered with white latex with a fibrous body and sometimes hollow inside. Its leaves have a rough green thin texture which had a very nice form. There are many varieties of papaya it may be green or light green with white flesh when it's unripe and it may be red or yellow when it's ripe


Just a little throwback before did you know that this tree is planted by me a few days after a strong typhoon hit our province, this tiny seedling before I pick this up from the trash and replanted it in this area along with my other vegetables thinking that I should plant as early as that time because I know since we are just devastated by a typhoon for sure most of the food, especially fruits and vegetables price will rise drastically.

Unfortunately, the tree bares its fruit for a long time so right now this tree is probably one in a half years already. As it gives fruit it is hard to reach the fruits easily because it's getting longer. Fortunately, it gives me too much fruit that we can not consume all so I invited some neighbors to get some, and sometimes an unexpected guest will just visit the tree and grab some for their selves.



Eating papaya is not really that difficult but sometimes it's just funny because I see other foreign countries that eat the skin or eat the seed. Green papayas are so good to be pickled and sometimes we use them for many kinds of dishes but papaya is also good to eat when it's ripe. So now I'll show you how to eat them for those who don't know yet.

It's easy to prepare after picking the fruit from the tree, if you want it cold just put it in the fridge or if you want to eat it right away, just take a knife and cut it open (it's so beautiful inside when it's cut) just slowly remove the seeds and you can enjoy its sweet flesh.

You can scrape the flesh and
just be sure not to eat the skin because it tastes bitter. The flesh tastes tender and sweet and usually, I ate papaya when I love to clean my stomach since aside from that it was tasty papaya also contains great nutrients that help your digestion and give good benefits to our body.

Now my papaya tree is very tall and I find it hard to pick the fruits already. The fruit is also a bit tiny due to its maturity however the taste is still sweet and maybe in a few months/years later it will finish its growth so Im planning to save the seeds already so I have to replace them very soon. As of this moment, I'm very happy and proud because I proved once again that when you plant something, you will reap something.

So how about you guys, do you grow this kind of fruit, or do you ever tried this too?

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