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"Apple Jam りんごジャム”


"Apple Jam"

I picked enough apples to make apple jam. Some of them were small apples or tough but they were ok for jam. Apple jam is good with toast, yogurt, ice cream, and more. I didn't put a lot of sugar because I like less sugar jam. Also, I used brown sugar so, the jam looks like brownish apple jam.



I picked reddish looking apples in my garden or near my house. Some of them were very small but I didn't have any problem making jam with small apples.

After chopping into small pieces, I soaked in salted water for a while. After soaking, I boiled them with brown sugar.

After 15 minutes, the apples became soft and made a lot of juice.

Boiled around 15 minutes more, the apples became jam. I added lemon juice. Actually, I put in the lemon skins and boiled them for a while after squeezing the lemon. Took out the lemon skin later.

Put into small jam jars. They look delicious. I ate them on the toast the next morning.

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