Dinner, a story, a show and a drink

This time of year is depressing enough for me, then add on sub freezing weather, and I don't wanna get out of bed, let alone cook.
I try to keep microwave meals, but those grow expensive in the long run, I've found I can put a frozen pizza in the oven (helps heat the house) and be able to snack on it for at least 2 days

I added slices of Banana and Poblano peppers plus extra Mozzarella to the above. (yes, I STILL have green homegrown peppers in the fridge)
I ate three pieces that night for supper, and have been snacking now... this makes the third day. (sounds like a religious theme)
Night before last, I had a visitor, actually time stamp says it was around 5 AM

I took precautions, blocking the pet door last night.
Just after dark, about 7 pm the cat (who was on the bed sound asleep) and I both heard the sound (His Majesty sat bolt upright and growled, looking at the back door)
I went to that door, got my phone to the camera covering the outside (but dammit I didn't record) and flipped on the outside light.
YOOO should have seen that thing scramble!
Another vid from the night of the incursion, (but in the back yard,) makes me fear it may be rabid, or just a very cornfused coon

Either way, I do not want to be entertaining any "Garbage Pandas" in my home no mo

I drank the last of the wine I had on hand last night.
We've been hovering around 13-15°F all day. Damned if I'm going out for booze, so I'll make it a "Merry bloody Mary" night!

I was really thinking about doing this with a couple of friends, and I have most of the ingredients but, this represents cooking, and no friends are coming out in THIS cold, so

It will just be Me and Ms Mary, Bloody Mary tonight.
Yesterday, I recorded this video, a song I've long wanted to do, but it was so bloody cold in my studio and I didn't have the lights on that I needed.
I wasn't going to release this 'into the wild' but why not?

"Same Auld Lang Syne" is a heart rending tune of aging and reminiscing of times past.(↑those still pics of a man and woman are me and Brenda, at my Jr Sr Prom in 1974)↑

So you get

"Dinner, a story, a show and a drink"

Jerry E Smith
All images are mine, present and past.


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