1 by 1 a dinner for 2

Hello to everyone in hive.
I want to share with you one of my favourite meals in summer.
Indegreeds for this meal is:
1 paprika /bell pepper
1 zucchini
1 onion
1 garlic
1 potato
1 carrot
1 mushroom (bigger)
1 big spoon sunflower oil
1 cube of cheese (200g)
1 package of grounded meat (200g) pork, beef
Chilli / hot grounded paprika powder
1 spoon of sunflower seeds

Procedure of cooking:

Peel potato

Peel zucchini and take out seeds

Ground a potato and mushroom in a bowl

Add some salt and pepper and mix it with a fork

Wash a paprika cut it on half and take out seeds like you did it with zucchini

Peel onion, carrot and garlic and mince them together

Heat a pan and add 1 big spoon of sunflower oil

Add carrot onion and garlic and fry them for a few minutes just to release an aroma

Add meat and fry for 5 minutes (mix it with a spoon ) that meat is fried evenly

Add little bit of salt and pepper and chilli powder and stir it evenly

Add grounded potatoe and mushroom and fry them for 3 minutes

Take a baking tray put a baking paper and sort paprika and zucchini on it and stuff them with indegreeds from pan

Bake it 15-20 minutes in the oven at 180°C /360°F until it's nice golden on top

Grind a cube of cheese

Add cheese on top and sprinkle with some sunflower seeds and bake it for few more minutes just to meltdown cheese or little bit more if you like it

Baked 😁

With this meal any salads are good.. this time i had pickled beets.

If you are a vegetarian or vegan just skip a part with a meat and take some substitute for cow cheese..
I hope you gonna like it like I do 😁

Enjoy !!

I wish you all a good apetite!

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