Three most famous food in pakistan

Pakistan is famous all over the world, but the interesting thing is that many Pakistani foods are also from other countries but they taste and like in our country that they seem to be born for us. In the country, people of Pakistan are also very fond of food. Keeping this in mind, I will present you pictures of three foods that Pakistani people eat with enthusiasm on any part-time basis. These three things. Egg paratha which used to be eaten for breakfast but in Pakistan it is eaten more on part time 😊. To make paratha first dough is kneaded and some amount of oil is added in a pan and then it is cooked on the stove. It is also very popular in any wedding.

It is cooked and eaten with passion. And the second is a soup recipe that the people of Pakistan like very much.
And people don't have to go to a hotel to eat soup, but can easily make it at home. And soup is mostly fed to people with colds.
You readers of the post may be wondering that soup is a drinkable item but why the word feeding is used here. This means that they make it very thick, so it is included in the food in Pakistan😃

Now finally the food that I am going to tell about is Mr. Chowmein. It is a very delicious food. Maybe this food is eaten by people all over the world with passion but in Pakistan no other food is preferred more than Chowmein

Thank you.
Inshallah everyone will like this post of mine.

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