Hello, foodie friends out there! Are you excited to know what recipe I will share with you today? By the way, I'm a food lover, too. That's why I joined this group. Haha


Today, I will share with you guys my favorite dish, which is pigar-pigar. A Filipino dish that is famous here in Pangasinan, Philippines. But before that, I want to share with you a little bit about myself. Do you know that I will never try to eat a beef dish until I graduate college? But when I started working and my co-workers invited me for a food trip, they encouraged me to try the famous pigar-pigar. At first, I was hesitant to eat because I had never tried to eat a beef dish before. So when I tried to taste it, it tasted good. And from that moment on, it became one of my favorite dishes, and I started trying to eat beef. Anything that is cooked from beef. Yes, it changed my perspective. Haha. I also try to learn the procedure and ingredients of that dish. That's why I want to share it with you today. It's simple, yet it tastes good. Promise! You will love it, too.


Beef, sliced very thinly
White onion, sliced like onion ring
Cabbage, chopped
Ground black pepper
Cooking oil, for deep frying

For sauce:
Soy sauce


In a pan, add enough oil for deep-frying.
Heat up the oil, then add the beef slices. Cook until tender.
When the beef is cooked and turned brown, add the onion rings and sauté.
Cook until the onion rings become transparent. Add ground black pepper and salt to taste, toss in the cabbage, and just half cook it.
Drain or remove the excess oil. Serve hot and enjoy!

That's it for today's blog. Thank you, everyone! Have a nice day!đŸ«°
Enjoy eating!😉

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