Mouth-watering Delicious Vegetable Soup🥗 🤤

😊 Hello fellow foodies 👋

Hey guys, as we all know yesterday 14th February was Valentine’s Day ❤️, hope you all had fun and shared lots of love to people around you 😊.

Yesterday i was all alone since my family and most friends aren’t in the city I stay, I decided to treat myself specially by making a sumptuous but simple Vegetable soup popularly known as Edikang Ikong soup 😋.


Firstly, let me tell you lovely people about this soup briefly. Edikang Ikong soup is a Nigerian soup that originated from the Efik people of Akwa Ibom and Cross River in the southern part of Nigeria 🇳🇬.

This soup is known for it nutritious and delicious benefits, sometimes people refer it as a big man soup(meaning soup of the rich) 😂,Below👇🏾 are the ingredients that are mostly used when making this soup🥘.

  • Fluted Pumpkin popularly know as ugu leaf 🍃 in Nigeria
  • Water leaf 🍃
  • Pepper 🌶️
  • Periwinkle 🐌
  • Salt 🧂
  • Meat 🥩
  • Palm oil
  • Onions 🧅
  • Seasoning 🧂
  • Cow skin popularly known as kpomo in Nigeria
  • Crayfish


Ok guys!, now that we know the ingredients used to make this special soup let’s proceed to how we can put it all together to achieve that 😊, but have in mind that there are several ways to make this soup but I’ll teach you the simplest way, let’s go 😉

Hold on… before turning on you cooking gas I’ll advice you get your ingredients ready by washing your meat 🥩, periwinkle, cutting the fluted pumpkin, water leaf, onion and cow skin into little pieces just as I did below 👇🏾

Above is the chopped water leaf 🍃

Here is my chopped fluted pumpkin

This is my chopped onion 🧅

Above is the cow skin

That’s 👆🏾my washes meat 🥩

That’s my washed periwinkle 👆🏾

Good job 👍
Have your meat 🥩 in the pot, add little water 💦,pour in your onion, little salt and seasoning 🧂 now you can turn on your cooking gas 🔥 to steam the meat half way.

Note: Avoid using lots of water because the only water you’ll be needing will come out from the leafs that’s the uniqueness of the soup.

Allow it to steam till you have little water left in the pot. After that been done, next is to pour in your palm oil, I like using lots of palm oil it gives me the kinda taste I like and also you need enough since you aren’t adding water anymore to the soup. Palm oil 👇🏾


Wait for the palm oil to heat a little, next you add your pepper🌶️,seasoning, periwinkles and crayfish

Grind pepper 🌶️

Here is my crayfish, salt and seasoning.


Allow it cook for 5 minutes, add your fluted pumpkin then add the water leaf then mix , cover the pot allow it cook for a little time so you don’t overcook the leafs cos it’s better to have it looking fresh.

Now that you are done ✅ you will have a delicious vegetable soup looking like this 👇🏾

Delicious Edikang Ikang soup 😋

You can eat this mean with any of the following



Thanks for reading my fellow foodies, let me know if you will like to try this or there’s a question you’d like to ask.

Happy Valentine’s period.
Eat so you’ll have strength to love 😆
I love you all ❤️.
Let love lead.

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