Making Enchiladas

Hello Hivers and Foodies. Yesterday I decided to make some enchiladas. I've posted food from restaurants and finished foods I have made in the past. This will be my first time showing you my culinary skills. Alright who's smiling or laughing? Without further ado let's get to this easy meal preparation.


Enchilada Ingredients

  • 1 lb of ground beef
  • 4 cups of shredded cheese
  • Flour tortillas (burrito size) 8ct
  • large can of enchilada sauce
  • onion (1 slice, diced up)
  • Garlic Powder (tablespoon or two)


  • 1/2 cup of sliced black olives
  • 3 cups of shredded lettuce
  • 1 tube or small container of sour cream
  • onion (1 slice, diced up)


  • 1 large can of refried beans
  • 1 family size bag of Spanish rice
  • 1 bag of tortilla chips
  • 1 jar of salsa


Before browning up some ground beef I dice up some onion. Some to cook with the ground beef and some for toppings. I also chopped up some lettuce. If you want you can buy some iceberg lettuce that is already shredded.

I add the onions to ground beef and sprinkle some garlic powder over it. I brown the ground beef on medium heat. I like to use 93% or higher ground beef, the more lean the less grease it produces. Here's what it will look like when it's done.


Once the ground beef is done I turn the oven on to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Drain pan of grease if needed. Now it's time to get the dish ready.


Open up the enchilada sauce and dump a layer to cover the bottom of the dish. This sauce will keep the flour tortillas from sticking to the bottom and will make the tortillas soft when fully cooked.


Next up is time to load up our flour tortillas. I use a spoon to scoop up the ground beef from the pan. Approximately 3 or 4 spoon fulls per tortilla. I add cheese to my liking, a few pinches to sprinkle over the top of the ground beef. I do this on a paper plate to keep any loose meat and cheese mess on the plate not on the counter or stove.

Once I get them loaded it's time to roll them up. Just fold the top and bottom inward than fold and roll (left or right). Once down put into the dish. I put them in pan one by one because the last one I make may have to be smaller or larger than the rest.


So I used 6 of the 8 flour tortillas. No worries I will use the other tortillas later in the week with with some of the left overs. I will fill them taco style with ground beef, refried beans, cheese, lettuce,and probably some diced tomatoes.

The next step is to dump some more enchiladas sauce over the flour tortillas. It's very important to cover the entire tortillas with the sauce. If any area is not covered it will be crispy once it cooked, what we don't want.

Once that is done we will rain 😁 some cheese over the top. Next up is to cover up your dish with aluminum foil. Than stick in oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 minutes.


While I wait for the enchiladas in the oven I start working on the sides. The first thing I do is open up the refried beans and place them in a small pan. I place on the stove top and set to low heat. You will have to check on and stir often. I had some left over enchiladas sauce so I added a good splash of it with the beans. You can add water to it if you want a more liquid consistency. The left over sauce gave a consistency I was happy with plus it will have a slight kick to it.


The Spanish rice I bought was some ready rice. This made it convenient because the prep time for this is two minutes in the microwave. I waited until the enchiladas were almost done. I was going to fry up some bacon and cut it up and place in the rice. I admit I got lazy and didn't do 🤣


I take out the dish from the oven and uncover it. The cheese on the top is somewhat melted. I set the oven to broil and put the dish back in the oven for a few minutes. Monitor this closely because the cheese will melt quickly. Usually it's good to go at 40 minutes, I may have been generous with the cheese a bit 😂



Here is the finished product ready for consumption. I tell you it was delicious and I was full after just one plate. Total time to put this on the table was just over an hour (70 minutes).

Serving this meal with some tortilla chips just adds a crunchy delight. I found my self dipping some of my chips in both the salsa and in the refried beans.

Well this is a wrap I hope I did ok with my first attempt at doing an article on something I prepared on my own. Lunch today will be the same. I think I will only eat half of one as I don't want to suffer from food coma at work, haha. I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. Take care, be safe and until next time.

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