Everyone's favorite sauteed crabs


Hello foodies, happy friday everyone. It's me again @chuch wants to share a food recipe. And this food recipe is sautéed crabs.

Today is a market day somewhere in our area. So I took a shower early to buy what was missing from the kitchen. While I was walking I saw a woman selling and she offered to a woman to buy her goods and the woman refused. And I called the vendor and I asked what she was selling and she told me that she was selling a crabs. And I asked her again if how much and she told me that if I buy it she will give it a cheap price because that is the last one sale and she is going home. I looked at the crab and the seller said it was only 100php and it was more than a kilo. I smiled because it was really cheap because in the market a kilo of crabs is 250php. So I bought it immediately because I was really saving money. And since I saved money I will spend it on other needs.

And On my way home, I was thinking of cooking sautéed crabs. And my loved ones will surely be happy again because it is their favorite.

And when I got home I rested for a while and immediately washed the crabs and prepared the other ingredients.




Spring onions
Magic sarap
Cooking oil


  • As usual in a hot pan put exact amount of cooking oil. Saute the garlic first and add the onions. Saute it until golden brown.


  • After sauteing the garlic and onions, add the crabs, followed by salt, magic sarap and a little vinegar and mix well and then cover it. Let the crabs' own broth boil until it almost dry.


  • If the soup is almost dry, put the spring onions and cover again and after a few seconds and the soup is totally dry, it can be served.


Here's my cooked sauteed crabs



A freshly cooked dish to share with the whole family.

That's all about my food blog today. I hope you like what I share with you. Hope to see you and join me again on my next food recipe. And thank you so much for reading my post.

Enjoy everyone and have a great friday. 😊😊😊

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