Root Beer Moonshine

I really didn't think much about moonshine when it came to discussing liquor. I always thought it was someone experimenting in their backyard because they were too cheap to go to the liquor store and just buy a bottle. Just like with many ignorant notions, once I take the time to actually learn, I find just how horribly wrong (and usually stupid) what I thought I knew really was.

A TV Suggestion
My path to enlightenment and appreciation of moonshine started with an innocent TV show recommendation from my in-laws. They had been watching the show "Moonshiners" and told us how much they enjoyed watching it, and that it delved into the history of "moonshining."


What moonshiners do is considered illegal by the US and state governments, but when you realize most are just doing it as a side hustle to support their families, you really start to see that moonshining is mainly illegal because the governments want their cut in taxes and want to regulate it.

Sure, there are some bad actors who cut (dilute) their moonshine with chemicals and it can lead to some major harm for those who consume it, but the people you see in the show aren't doing that. They're using quality ingredients and are simply hustling the only way they and prior generations of their family know how. For many of them, it's also a major part of their heritage. I can respect that, and can certainly respect the hustle. It's not easy work.

The Rabbit Hole
I ended up watching multiple seasons of the show. I don't regret it. Here's why it's relevant.

In later seasons of the show, you get to meet distillers who went "legit" and sell their moonshine in liquor stores across multiple states. When I saw that, I knew I had to pick up a bottle to try for myself.

The Recipe
So I mentioned to my in-laws that I bought a bottle of moonshine. I brought it over and everyone tries it. It's not really everyone's "cup of tea." I actually enjoy drinking it straight. I took it home and it stayed in the liquor cupboard until I figured out what to do with the rest of it.

Now many will mix flavors into their moonshine, using fruits and spices to make it more appealing. "Applie pie" moonshine typically has apples and cinnamon in it. It's delicious. I've also had orange peach "crush" moonshine and it was fantastic!

So my mother-in-law texts me out of the blue one day and sends me this picture.

I don't know exactly where she got this, but I'm assuming she saw it on Facebook. I enjoy Root Beer, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

The Results
It took a bit of time to finally finish the recipe. I impatiently waited the 7 days it called for, and finally took it out.

It actually tastes really good! I gave some to my in-laws to try and they didn't care for it. More for me! 😆

The main downside is there isn't any carbonation to it. It's very smooth and tastes just like Root Beer, but if you're expecting a Root Beer taste, the lack of carbonation is disappointing. Fortunately, I have a Soda Stream and can make my own carbonated water to add to it. Problem solved! 😁

If you like Root Beer and you like moonshine, I'd give this recipe a try! I think you'll like it!

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