The Dhanmondi Meanders ~ The Burst of Spicy Delights | Part II

Hello, foodies of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.


After over a week of our country-wide internet shutdown thanks to the government, I am back with some culinary extravagance I had a few weeks ago.

All the events that led up to this moment are in this post
Without any further ado, let’s begin!


We waited in the waiting area for over half an hour. The night was no longer young and the friend who went out for his tuition hadn't returned. We goofed around, took pictures with the Snapchat filters, and made lasting memories.


We got to order 10 minutes after getting the seats. This guy(Regan) used his "Phone a friend" power and asked if we should order for our missing friend, but he denied it. Mind you, we were told that the kitchen was to shut off at 10:30 pm and it was 10:15 pm.

Then came our time to order. We quickly ordered what we wanted to have. Regan did not want to have anything spicy and the restaurant was not about to change an item on the menu just because a kid did not want spice in a Szechuan restaurant.

So, he reluctantly went with what we were having as his plan to use the sweet sauces that would snake on the table and reduce the spiciness. My friend and I knew what dish we wanted to have... their spicy deliciousness with the perfect blend of seafood and meat. We added a side, a Bulogi to finish the meal.

Our friend arrives 10 minutes before the kitchen shuts down and gets a Chicken Cheung Fun, my first time hearing this name.

The Best Part

At 10:40 pm we finally received the food. I say finally because everyone who came after us got their orders before us. We just looked around and thought to ourselves if we broke their rules or chef...


The first to arrive was our appetizer: Cheung Fun, steamed rice noodles wrapped around fish and glazed with a soy-based sauce. I do like fish and this soy sauce but not the clumsy presentation. A few spots of soy gliding from the side of the table, not a good look speaking from a fine dining restaurant's view.


And the main dish arrived a few minutes later, all at once. We all got the YCD special rice with an addition of Beef Bulogi. The special rice was naga-spicy rice with beef, chicken, and seafood. Bulogi was a Korean-style beef strip with Korean spices. All of the dishes were super spicy.


Additionally, the quantity was insanely high and the egg had the perfect yolk. This was the perfect rice bowl for a spice freak like me. We got only 4 bottles of water to go with no fancy drinks to calm our tongues. I loved the pain of the hot and spicy lashing on my tongue.
It was around 11:05 pm and we were still enjoying the food.


The only other guests in the entire restaurant were the couple behind us. The girl on the corner and the guy in the middle were supposed to be our guide for the day but they ended up being our tourists as they tagged along our decided path.

We left the building after 20 minutes, meaning, at around 11:25 pm after our Uber was confirmed. As we trekked down, we stopped at multiple floors as some employees kept getting off at different floors and that's when we knew the entire building was empty with the shops on the ground floor looking abandoned.

We reached home within half an hour as the streets were traffic-ridden at this time of hour.
And that's all for the amazing Korean-style spicy nourishment. I do hope I get to visit this restaurant with the gang again at the end of the year as their waiting list is always jam-packed and their food... spicy as ever!


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