Bitshares DEX Astro UI showcase! Improving User Experience and User Security!

This is turning into a regular developer blog, I'm really getting into keeping you all updated on the development of the Bitshares DEX Astro UI, so thanks for stopping by and I appreciate all the upvotes!

So let's get into today's topic!

Improving User Experience (UX) and user security!

I was looking over my previous blog post and upon clicking a link to the Bitshares AstroJS UI repo, I was prompted with an interesting dialog by Hive:


I thought to myself, this is pretty dang cool, this simple external hyperlink dialog probably helps prevent a wide variety of phishing and malicious link clicks, neat!

So, since we've recently introduced several external hyperlinks to the Bitshares Astro UI, I figured we should implement something similar so that the user isn't annoyed by a new tab launching semi-unexpectedly.

I set about creating the external link component using react and shadcn, and after a bit of elbow grease I'd managed to replace all external text and button hyperlinks with this new component.

So when the user clicks on what was previously a raw hyperlink, they're now shown the following:


Awesome stuff! Now the user is reminded that they're attempting to navigate to an external resource before they do so!

A big shout out to the Hive blockchain for inspiring this small but important security improvement to the Bitshares Astro DEX UI!

What do you think of this change?

Comment below!

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Don't forget to click the ⭐ button to like the github repos above!

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