Bitshares Astro UI Dev Update - Same-T Fund support has been added!


Same-T Fund functionality has now been added to the Astro UI!

Thanks for checking out the latest Bitshares Astro UI dev blog!

The Bitshares Astro UI seeks to be an evergreen/greenfield development effort, uplifting the possible Bitshares front end user interfaces into the cutting edge 2024+ technology!

So, what's new with today's update?

To cut to the chase, there's a new release!

Firstly - What are Same-T Funds?

Same-T Funds enable you to offer loans to individuals who require liquidity but do not have collateral to borrow (which rules out credit offers for them).

This may sound risky, but the "Same-T" part means same transaction, meaning you have to chain together operations within the one transaction, where you borrow, use the borrowed assets, then repay the borrowed asset plus fee within the one transaction, so this isn't an open-ended credit offer but rather a method of enabling arbitrage bots to provide the DEX liquidity across all trading pairs on the Bitshares DEX!

The most direct comparison is Aave's "Flash Loans" feature on Ethereum.

Check out github for more info:

Demo Time!

We've got a new link on the home page for accessing the new Same-T Fund functionality:


And here's it in action!

So as you can see, you can view all same-t funds, view your own same-t funds, search for same-t funds, create same-t funds, edit & delete same-t funds.

You might be wondering where the ability to borrow/repay is, but it's not present because they're advanced operations for use within arbitrage bot scripts, as you need to stitch multiple operations together correctly to take advantage of the same-t fund lending offer.

Still though, you can peruse the same-t fund offerings and manage your own same-t fund offerings with the Astro UI easily now!

Big shout out to everyone voting in support of the Bitshares Astro UI worker proposal & to everyone voting on these dev blog posts, your support means a lot to me! :)

Check out the previous hive posts regarding the Astro UI:

Thanks for reading this far, I'm looking forwards to any comments you have!

Download the Bitshares Astro UI today!

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