Positive self-talk and self-esteem!

Ask yourself, how many times you said something bad about yourself. You will wonder noticing we continuously talk negatively to ourselves which are not appropriate to talk with others, yet we talk disrespectfully to our own self!



You may have heard of positive self-talk. But you will find only a handful of people who really talk positively with themselves. Maybe you are the one or not. But there are many out there who struggles to understand the link of self-esteem and positive self-talk.

I read it somewhere, 'we are what we think we are'. This is so true. People gonna see what we reflect. It's in our hands to reflect the best of us. And that's only can possible when we have positive thoughts about ourselves. But if we continuously talk negatively with yourself you can't reflect the best, as simple as that.

And the best thing about positive self-talk is it doesn't require any external efforts. Just our simple intentional efforts can improve our self-esteem.

Negative talk blocking, redirecting to positive talk is the best and proven way to practice better self-talk. Alone with this, we can start writing journal, pick a certain time to talk positively.

We have to understand that it's a way of life that can improve our perspective, though, and every other thing in a better way.

Say to yourself-

You are beautiful, you are worthy, you can do better, you matter, you can achieve more.

You can choose a tag line for yourself and repeat this several times a day. Like I will do 'that'. I will work better. This tag line is so helpful to boost a better self-image and improve self-esteem too.

We all know workout better self-esteem we can not achieve, we can not function. And positive self-talk can be a simple yet effective way to improve self-esteem.

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