I Had A Dream aka How I entered a Very Weird Plane, Left It Unintentionally and then Missed the Flight.


"Dreams are little hidden doors in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul."

- Carl Gustav Jung -

I woke up from a dream last night, early this morning. A dream so vivid and intriguing, that I felt like remembering it.

I went for a pee, picked up my phone and then caught the dream in a voice message, planning to get back to it today. Just doing this, enabled me to remember this dream right now, even without listening to that recording.

I don't often remember my dreams but this voice-message-recording- after-waking-up-from-a-dream trick always works for me.

Here's an account of that dream. I gave the message a listen for some more detail. Now I think of it, I remember I dreamed in colors too.


I am inside of a plane, looking for a seat. It is a very strange plane, its interior feels more train like, with many different compartments. Walking past - and at times climbing on seats - I realize that they are either too small for me, too dirty or too crowded. It just doesn't sit right with me. I also notice a group of lazy chairs and a bunch of seats that look like old, dirty beds. I don't feel lazy, nor do the beds seem appealing so I keep feeling my way around, looking for another seat. There are also a bunch of seats/ beds with consoles play stations. They look very old and I don't see any screens though so I keep going.
Anyhow, I don't find a place where I want to sit, so I keep looking for another space. There are also no belts...
I finally reach this little space and there's this older man, with glasses, who says I can follow him... For a moment, I think that maybe he's the pilot. Then he says: "There's plenty of space here..." so I follow him and suddenly I am going down, in some kind of small elevator and end up going lower than him. Just before the descent, he also opens some kind of hatch for me.

Then, I notice that I am outside of the plane now but - like I mentioned - he told me that there would be plenty of space further on. For a moment I think: "Oh damn, I left the plane!" and then I notice that I'm in an airport terminal kind of space and I grow aware of signs that seem to mean: 'this way to the plane's wing' as well as one that says 'not this way/ not this wing'. So I follow a couple of these signs, walking for maybe two hundred meters, a minute or so. And then I seem to have reached the place, like the last sign, where it says: 'Okay, here you can enter the plane's wing again' but I notice that there's two counters there and two women sitting behind them. One of them says to me: "Sit down" and I say: "but I just want to enter the plane here." And she says: "I'm sorry but it's the end of my shift." and I continue: "but yeah.... what???? I just want to enter the plane... I heard there's plenty of space and it seems that I can enter it here." She says: "Now you listen to me..." and I say: "No, you listen to me! I spoke to this guy, I think it was the pilot, and he said there was plenty of space over here and I followed him and then, apparently, he made me leave the plane..." and she kind of gets almost angry with me and she says: "It's the end of my shift. I can't help you. You can't enter the plane now." and the other woman is kind of more friendly and she says: "Hey..."

And then it dawns on me that I'm gonna miss this flight. That I'm stuck at the airport, stuck in Madrid, instead of flying to Holland and there's a bunch of people and I try to laugh about the situation and think of how to make the best of it. I might spend the night in Madrid, a city I know from the past, maybe get a hostel room or something like that and stay a little longer.

There's a bunch of people, a hundred, two hundred, who are looking at me. Most of them young, in their late teens, early twenties. And I decide to tell the story. First I want to tell it in Dutch and then I have an audience and I say: "Are there any people here who speak Dutch?" and then I realize that I'm at an airport in Spain so I say: "Okay, I'm sure many of you don't speak Dutch. I'm gonna tell you this in English..."

and I start telling them the story. About being in the plane, with all these crazy seats. Because it was really strange, it was more like a train and all these different compartments. It was not like this one... straight... line full of seats. Not a single isle of seats. There were like parts that were meters high and at the same time it felt very claustrophobic and then there was these very small compartments.

So I tell the audience the story and how I ended up outside of the plane. And that, apparently, I can't fly along. People are listening and laughing and I'm thinking: should I ask if any of them are staying in Madrid and are up for something / want to hang out? but I don't.

Then I wake up.

It might be interesting to know that I discovered a podcast, less than a week ago, called "This Jungian Life".

As some of you might know, Jung was a psychologist who - among other things - was famous for his dream interpretations and study of the unconscious.

In this podcast, two older women and a man, who call themselves 'Jungian Analysts' talk about all kinds of daily life issues, connecting it to the work of Jung. Also, in each and every episode, they explain a dream of a listener / podcast guest or subscriber to their dream school practice.

The show might be a little highbrow, intellectual for some but I guess that is me ( at times ) and I can't help but enjoying this podcast and the soothing, friendly voices of the three Jungian analysts.

I also see a lot of parallels between what I'm going through in my life ( partially due to my partaking in the Presence Process since a week or three, partially due to what I like to see as my greater awakening / my daily aim at leveling up ) and that makes it even more intriguing.

Why I'm telling you this, is not necessarily to shill the show ( although I recommend it ), but because in one episode a person being interviewed by the Jungian threesome, talks about a repetitive dream of being in a plane and waking up just before it crashes, over and over again. In his dreams the plane looks different every single time and the start of what he thinks is a crash ( burning motor on wing, the roof ripping off and so on ) always wakes him up.

In my dream, the plane wasn't crashing but I left it. I could try to analyze it but the only thing that I could think of was that it might have to do with my perfectionism ( in this case around my current book writing ). Why don't I just pick a chair, any chair? It's kind of my fault that I end up leaving the plane. Perhaps the old man, who looked like a pilot, didn't want a chair snob like me on board. Hahaha!

If any of you is reading this and wants to make an attempt at what my dream is all about, be my guest. I'm curious what you make of it.

Also, feel free to share your own dream with me / us.

FYI: I actually lived in Madrid, from March to June 2009. The last time I was there was in early 2018, before I came to Portugal. This last visit was disappointing, to say the least. It didn't feel the same ( I wasn't the same person ). I also speak Spanish, although my Portuguese is better these days.

Find the 'This Jungian Life' podcast here

Foto by Ahmed Muntasir from Pexels

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