"Stand in power"

The War for Your Own Health Continues.. Reclaim Personal Power From Misplaced Faith in Medical 'Experts'

The promise of advances in science and technology over the last few decades seemed at first to offer solutions to the many problems faced by Humanity, but the reality has so far turned out to be quite different. For every gain in understanding, there is always a shady group waiting to use the knowledge in ways that benefit them more than everyone else. Where are the gains that the information age promised for the 'average' person? Instead of a 3 day week, we have smartphones tracking us and even less time to rest! All too often, the largest corporations and their associates make the gains, while everyone else pays the price - hardly an 'advance' at all - more like a repeat of more of the same!

Reality is that science is a tool and the abilities that it provides us will only serve the majority of people if that majority has the resources available to direct that tool in the right ways. Currently, mainstream (almost all) science is heavily directed by the bankrolling of large corporations, who are very well known to typically 'introduce' a variety of biases into the conclusions that their funded studies decide to publish. As numerous Doctors, Professors and researchers have highlighted:

The high cost of entry for full scale scientific research means that only the wealthiest groups can fund it and pleasing them is a necessity for large scale science to happen. Inevitably, this skews the conclusions that scientists reach and warps overall human perception into ever more distortions that seem to make the corporations God-like in their ability to wield power and knowledge.

The number of examples from history of large corporations and governments acting to massively defraud and even murder populations for their own reasons or personal profit gain is vast. Yet, this almost never comes up in discussions orchestrated by corporate media and governments - this is no accident. The intention of these groups is not to reach 'the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth' - instead, their intention is to wield power for their own gain while giving the appearance of serving the world's best interests.

What methods do we have to prevent massive crimes being perpetrated on populations as a result of centralization of power taking place between corporations and governments? The court systems? Well, they are run by the same groups of people - why would they put themselves and their friends in jail? They wouldn't, for the most part.

As we can see in the excellent documentary below about Nazi Germany in World War 2, it does not take much for corrupt thinkers to lose all sense of reality/empathy and to act out massive evil, powered by egoic thinking and delusion. The MANY nurses and 'Doctors' in Nazi Germany who first executed 100,000+ children and then moved on to Jews, Gypsies, disabled people and other population groups were convinced that they were doing the 'right' thing for humanity. What to us today seems to be a barbaric denial of empathy and reality, to them was simply 'good science' and they literally did think they were 'following the science' of the day - it just turned out to be the 'science' of eugenics, powered by evil.

What it took to end all of this in 1940s Germany was a World War that risked the end of the planet and humanity. Unconsciousness, blindly following rules and blind faith in 'authority' never ends well and has already proven itself to be one of the possible forces that could kill everything - so we need to understand it urgently:

When used without corruption, science can be a powerful way to uncover truth that can truly help us, but without necessary advances in personal spiritual balance and integrity to compliment the increased scientific power - we risk repeating the mistakes of the past to ever more terrifying degrees.

The events of COVID19 have forced these topics back into the forefront of our minds, as we have seen high tension surrounding the attempts of certain groups to control everyone else based on THEIR own logic, often without even attempting to address the counterpoints made by their detractors. The censorship of Doctors, Professors, therapists and researchers by Silicon Valley corporations and various governments has shown us that the lessons of World War 2 have not been learned by many. The post war Nuremberg trials, the hanging of Doctors/Nurses and the resulting codes of medical ethics that were meant to protect future generations seem almost to be a joke in the minds of some modern 'medical professionals'.

If there is one lesson for us all to take from these events over the years, it is perhaps that there may always be dangerously corrupt and unhinged individuals with more power than they should rightly have and we need to know how to handle this. One approach to staying safe in such a tricky situation is to be solidly grounded in a deep knowledge of self, such that corrupt 'medical' entities and their cronies cannot deceive you. After all, what use is a healthcare industry to you if you already achieve better results yourself, without them?

Is it really possible to take better care of ourselves than 'trained professionals'? Absolutely, for at least two main reasons:

  • The training given to the medical professionals is massively biased towards the use of patented drugs and away from other options that are free or low cost, but which are more effective.
  • Much of the information we need to heal ourselves is ONLY found INSIDE of us and only we can really listen to it. This means that we are our own best therapist and healer. Every belief we hold that tells us to look outside of ourselves for health advice is one that could be blocking out important information that we need to hear inside of us in order to truly heal.

The first point here is easily confirmed by a few days or weeks (or even hours) of research into the topic. Cancer is a perfect example of a major illness that has been weaponized for profit, with valid treatments and probable cures for many cancers having been systematically ignored by the mainstream for decades, while being used successfully and well documented by others throughout. Many books have been written by highly qualified scientists that expose the scams and frauds constantly being used by the pharmaceutical corporations to warp perception in favor of their own profits.

The second point is equally true but is one that many people will not be able to relate to so easily. The logic, though, is simple - you constantly have streams of information available to you internally that inform you of your body's real needs and any health problems that you currently face or will face in the near future. Instead of listening to them, you have very likely been trained (since birth) to follow external distractions. You have been trained to block out your emotional signals and inner voice, such that you don't really know what they are. You have likely been driving blind, along with almost everyone you know - so why wouldn't you defer to the 'experts' regarding your own body's needs? Well, how well has that been working out for humanity so far? You realize that the hospitals are overloaded with dying people? Maybe it's time to think differently and trust your own inner power!

Start where you are. Put in extra focus and make time to listen inwardly and to act on what your body tells you it needs. The more you do this, the stronger your connection between your body and mind will become. The more you see the benefits, the more you will want to do it and the more you will become empowered. It will likely not take long before you wonder how you got by without living this way in the past!

The encroachment of apps and computing devices into the body's reality is a good place to start experimenting with this. It's easy to understand that if you always use a calculator to do maths then you will likely lose the ability to do the maths in your mind. The various body monitoring devices that continue to emerge into the open market take this a step further. As you rely more and more on devices to tell you when to rest, when to eat, when to exercise and even when to make love, the less you will be in tune with your own body and felt needs. If you already use such devices, try to experiment without using any of them and instead use inner feeling and listening to reach true understanding of your needs, without having an external calculator estimate your own personal reality for you!

It is no exaggeration to say that these are matters of life and death, but more than that they are matters of evolution and devolution. The future of humanity is in our own hands and even the Earth itself. Let's stay in power and stop giving power away to those who have done little to earn it beyond tricking us into thinking we need their services far more than we do!

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The War for Your Own Health Continues.. Reclaim Personal Power From Misplaced Faith in Medical 'Experts'

This is a cross post of @unspun/war-on-health by @unspun.

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