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Why Do We Keep On, Having To Figure Shit Out!


Okay, so lets be clear, when I talk about figuring shit out, I am not so much talking about on a personal level (although I will get to that later), what I am mainly talking about, is this desire that some people have to understand how the universe works and to just keep digging!

I get that it is fascinating (and please remember this is just my humble opinion, I don't wish to offend anyone out there), but I always hear about so much time, going into various different types of research, so that we can understand everything more. (I know pretty broad isn't it?)Time, energy, money and yet we are faced with so much disconnection, so much disharmony. I really believe that these, should be our main focus, but instead it is focused on doing things, that actually take us even further away from who we are.

All this push, to understand the external world, so that we can what? Manipulate it more, see how much more, we can gain from different materials and minerals. We just keep digging and dissecting, with no thought for the effect that this is having on the earth as a whole.

Look at the many ways in which we use animals to do our research on, the total disregard, that so many have for their lives, as though they are totally expendable. And then there is the fact that many human's themselves are used as test subjects, by pharmaceutical companies. That want to achieve what exactly, because we all know that they do not wish for people to get better, but instead want them to remain sick, so that they can grow their businesses.

If this is what figuring shit out, is all about, leave me out of it, because all it is, is a way in which to manipulate, for personal gain?

It breaks my heart, every time I see large pieces of crystal on display. Yes they are beautiful and yes they hold energies that can benefit us, but what effect have we caused by attaining them? Does nobody think, that those crystals are in the earth for a reason and that by removing them, we are actually creating an imbalance?

If the earth really wanted to gift them to us, I do not believe that we should have to dig to reach them, to rip at the earth and leave her scarred. How can we expect those stones to then hold a positive energy, if they have been thorn out of the earth, it just makes no sense to me. Isn't it enough to know. that they exist and that if needs be, we can tap into their energy through meditation perhaps?

What do we have to always, just take, take, take?

Don't even get me started on things like mining, how damaging they are for the environment and for those that live in close proximity to them. There is this desire in us, to go out there and leave our mark, something that society on a whole encourages. When instead we should be focusing on leaving as small an imprint as possible.

But this is not the world that most of us have grown up in, it is spoon fed into us, from an early age that life is mostly about personal gain, see how well they have us compete against one another in school. That keeps us,from wanting to work collectively. As a result we are easier to manipulate and herd!

So we end up doing the dirty work for others, the digging and dissecting that leads to destruction and so much disconnection on our part.

If we spend as much time on our own personal digging, imagine the world we would live in. Imagine the connection we could cultivate, with the natural world. Some things we don't need to understand, we just need to show our gratitude and let be!
Just as we need to focus more on just being!

Thanks @selfhelp4trolls for the inspiration for this, (you and that awesome mind of yours)