The age of frequency healing is here! Healy (Gold edition)

Continuing this series of posts I will describe for you now the fifth of six frequency devices being used today for the effective healing of pain, disease, psychological issues, vitamin deficiencies, energy imbalances and so much more.

Previous instalments can be found here:

Healy (Gold edition)

I wasn't going to include this one but came across it late last night in an article written by a life-coach/therapist I know in Bali. It felt good seeing her face smiling at me again after all these years as the author of an article I found by 'chance' and it seemed only logical that I investigate her recommended product.


The article I mentioned can be found here. It describes her experience using a Healy and gives us a bunch of very interesting facts and answers to commonly asked questions. In summary she says she was convinced by it after a very short period of time. And for what it's worth, I trust her judgement.

I like this device because it can perform a body scan, identify the problem and run the relevant frequencies to fix it. It can even detect your mood and correct imbalances. The scan can be run on a daily basis and the device will consistently give you what you need that day.

So, just like the Spooky2 XM Generator this device can give us a huge variety of different frequencies associated with different things but unlike the Spooky 2 which needs a computer, this one works with a phone app, making it way more accessible to the masses.


The device is clipped to the chest or other parts of the body (so you can walk around with it) and thankfully does not require connection to the internet (or your phone) while in operation. Bluetooth & phone are needed only to set up each frequency program.

It can also add specific frequencies which mimic the effects of vitamins or homeopathy.

The Healy Coil is a secondary device which utilises quantum wireless technology.

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Where will this quantum wireless technology take us from here I wonder?

Video testimonials

Here is a decent comparison of the Healy and the iTeraCare Classic wand from someone who seems to know his stuff.

The Healy Gold Edition can be bought from here.

Further information on what you get in this package:
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Despite its price ($506 + tax & postage) this is perhaps the most appealing device we have reviewed here because it basically finds your problems and fixes them for you on a daily basis with very little skill required to operate it. The problem however is that the user will quite possibly never take it off.

I am all for medical technology innovations which help us on our way but we must be able to stay rooted in nature, especially when we are in good health. For this reason I am hesitant to buy a device like this but would certainly be interested to use it for a short period of time!

Worth pointing out too that monthly payments are required to gain access to certain modules within the app.

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This seems expensive and puts me off this device a lot.

I have left the most interesting device for last so stay tuned to see what it could be.

This one is nothing more than software which runs on your computer. And it's free!

Love & Light everyone 🌱

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