Dry fasting, trading & chemtrailing with the full moon πŸŒ•


The full moon was setting in the valley when I woke the kids up this morning. It was a beauitful sight but not half as beautiful as the storm cloud which passed before it moments later, gifting us with a rainbow before breakfast :)



I felt the desire to fast as the full moon approached, so two days ago I stopped eating but continued drinking water. This morning I woke up and felt immediately that I should stop with the water. In the past I always felt a bit scared to stop drinking, but something felt different this time.

The water we drink is supposedly from "The Source" in the Pyrenees Mountains but probably still has 1000 things wrong with it. That reminds me, must buy a distiller now that I have some profits from selling a little DOGE this morning ;)

I was able to sell the peak, re-buy at the 0.618 retracement and sell again at the 0.382

Screen Shot 20210129 at 16.44.00.png

Frickin' love these Fibonacci numbers. I am catching all the pump retracements in this way now with a huge amount of success.


Not gonna lie... I lost over $200 trading bitcoin on Bybit and even though I am still in profit because of my moves with ETH, I decided to pay out a further Β£200 for a trading course. And it has been truly magnificent! If you're interested, I highly recommend it: https://www.chartchampions.com/

His YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHOP_YfwdMk5hpxbugzC1wA

Am ploughing through around 200h of videos and following the group in Discord, many of whom are experienced traders. And I feel myself starting to trade with wisdom now. Calculated moves which I don't need to watch with a racing heart!

I confidently shorted BTC at 38K because we hit our weekly resistance there (yellow line).

Screen Shot 20210129 at 19.30.08.png

Am expecting it to drop back now to at least 34K. The risk is minimum, the reward great. And in the morning I will see how that one played out. It is a wonderful feeling indeed.

UPDATE: 2 hours later the chart looks like this.

Screen Shot 20210129 at 21.39.30.png

As you can see, it bounced at 34K and my short was closed automatically at this level.

Despite this, the past two days have been REALLY testing. The desire to eat was strong and the pain in my belly intense. I tried to remedy the intense feeling by drinking endless water but this gave me diarrhoea, which yesterday evening got the better of me. You know when you think it's gonna be a fart but it isn't? Yeah, that's the one.

Anyway, now that I am off the water and dry fasting for the first time in my life I feel certain I will continue with this for at least a few more days. I know the first few days are always testing but something tells me the water wasn't helping. No more diarrhoea today is a pretty clear indication something has changed for the better.

For those of you haven't done this before I can tell you there is an extremely special body/mind feeling once those first few days are over. It was around lunchtime today my stomach stopped hurting, my mouth didn't feel dry any more and my overall energy & positivity seemed to increase.

Which is partly why I am writing this post ;)


They have been spraying us more and more recently and I cannot help but feel as if there are small things going wrong in my body which relate to whatever it is I am breathing when I am outside.

Most days I see this above me.


Recently however they stopped bothering to give the illusion of being passenger planes and now they just fly in circles. Look closer and you will see multiple circles going off into the distance.


If I were to shoot a time-lapse film of these unnatural lines in the sky you would see how they spread out over time and make everything hazy. And you can be sure of two things:

  1. It is not water vapour as we are told
  2. You will breathe it

I am grateful in many ways because this is partly what motivated the feeling that I needed to fast. It will cleanse me and make my body stronger for the challenges ahead.

I will dry fast for at least another two days before I am done :)

Love & Light everyone 🌱


I just noticed Esteban has my root chakra stone in his mouth here! Haha! Probably the best place for it ;)

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