Learn To Live A Long Life. How To Become A Centenarian??


Secret of Life

"Health is Wealth" they say but do they "Perceive" it?? Do you perceive it? If not why? What is it in your life that is more important than your health.??

It is the sedentary mindset that has trapped the appeal to achieve longiveity. And only want to regain it when you cross the red line that is the age of 40-50.

But why is it so?? Why don't you lure for a long lively life?

Maybe because you failed to discover your Ikigai??



The Definition

Ikigai is something thay you already have, deep inside of you. But you need to patiently search for it. It may be as simple as gardening (though it is tough, okay). It is that thing which you look forward to check or do it again in the morning.

Looking forward to going to job cannot be your Ikigai but what work do you do there can be. On the other side it's not necessary that what you do for a living should be your Ikigai. Ikigai is something you would love to do till you die.


Questions to Ask

So, discovering your Ikigai is enough for you to live long.?
Food is important too. Right!! Infact a vital one. However food is not seen as it was when humans came to existence. Nowadays, it is just something that satisfies your tastebuds. If it's tastes good, then it's good.! A thinking needs to be changed right now.!!

It's you who decides You Eat to Live or Live to Eat

A very famous quote " You are what you eat". If you are a desert lover and can't skip it, no one can stop you from being obese. And along with obesity comes many other disorders.



Fact : According to Ayurveda garlic is a medicinal plant. It combats high blood pressure, obesity, lowers cholesterol level and many more.

But will it show any effect on garlic lovers?? No, because they are so much in love with the taste of garlic that they consume it almost on everything.! Garlic on bread, curry, pizza, pasta, noodles, potatoes etc.

Just like in chronic disease like diabetes patients are now bound to take the medicines not even skipping for a day. So year after year the dose boosts up because the body gets used to it.

Hara hachi bu is another interesting concept of Japan, which says - fill the stomach upto 80%.

Maximum people don't even understand when it is full upto 80%. Just stop eating when you are almost full but you still have a little space for more.

Hara hachi bu is an ancient practice from Zen Buddhist.

In Japan " Okinawa " is a place where world's highest number of centenarians live. What they do, you ask?? They grow their vegetables, they ride bicycles, the have community centers according to interests and they smile, laugh, dance and celebrate birthdays together.

When you grow your own vegetables you know, you actually know what you are eating. No chemicals or pesticides are bonuses. You have that confidence on that food that yes it is the best I can get because I sow it, I grow eat and I am living it.

The world is so busy with all the changes - technology, lifestyle, emotions that everybody is just in a hurry - hurry to attend a meeting, hurry to catch up the movie. Basically hurry in everything so that we can catch up on the next.

However, according to the centenarians "Take it slow". Whatever you are doing in the moment do it as if you are 100% there and stop hurrying yourself because the hurrying is actually hurting you.

At this fever pitch, stress is natural. Now stress is good only when it is in moderation. But if its frequent it has degenerative effect over time.

Interesting is that nowadays we think only job can give stress or a bad relationship can give you stress, but you will be amused to know when your phone pings your brain sends signal that is also a form of stress just not taken accountable enough.

So, when you start taking everything slow, your body and mind pace also reduces. Just practice it for 7 days. You will find a different person in you, a calm one, who doesn't unnecessarily rush on things.

So, here also let's start don't rush challenge for a long beautiful life.


10 Rules of Ikigai

Staying active does not mean you have to run and do cardio. Being active is when going to buy veggies instead to taking your car you walk, instead of taking the lift you take the staircase, long walks only to embrace nature(an important one) and many you can opt, everyday basis.

When you walk you connect to nature which is also a very important part as nature is also a part of the world you live in. Everything has a balance and it should be maintained.
Meditation is a brilliant way to connect with mother nature. Just try once - go to park or river front, on trees surrounding you, just sit calmly , close your eyes and listen 👂, listen to the music of nature. You will be surprised to realise you have not even admired the voice of the nature solely. It always there but it comes along with horns and chattering, songs playing etc.

So, life is not a problem to be solved. Just follow you Ikigai, smile , laugh with people, stay active, eat good, sing, dance and most importantly if you are 110 then get in shape for your 111 year birthday celebrations.

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