A Letter To Me In 2019 - Nicky Havey Edition

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I was tagged in this challenge by @livinguktaiwan so thought I'd get involved and post this on New Year's Eve to round off 2020 in style - her original post is here if you wanted to get involved too. It's not really a challenge as such, the title says it all - write a letter to your 2019 self! I decided to take a more positive approach and not focus too much on covid - I've chosen to write this as if my 2019 self would read it on 31st December 2019.

Dear Absolute Legend 2019,

2020 will be one of your biggest challenges yet, and I'm not just talking about this ridiculous 2,020 km Challenge for Alzheimer's Society you alone will be taking part in - I bet you thought that your two hiking buddies would join you... don't worry, they won't! It's all on you mate but you've overcome some big ass challenges in your life and you've got what it takes to get through - just be ready for the overwhelming support you're going to get on HIVE...

Oh HIVE? Sorry, that content rewards site you enjoy using called STEEM will go through a bit of a sh_t storm and all your friends will move over to the hardfork of it called Hive. Don't worry, this will be fine, a bit of a ballache to rebrand the @yourtop3 contest again but seeing as you survived with a kick ass team around you after the first major rebrand, this will be a bit easier although that "Steem" word will haunt you and the team haha! At least you'll keep the fun and games going until the end of the year where you'll give out more prizes than you ever thought possible (did some one say $300?).

You'll powerdown all your STEEM and use it to smash past Hive Orca thanks to your gaming addiction and wanting to earn badges from @hivebuzz and Power Up Day (yes it continues)! HIVE price will suddenly go up to close to a dollar in the first week before completely tanking to 8p around October, you'll scoop up that cheap stuff! There'll be more drama you can shake a Netflix subscription at - sadly your new Havey's Guides project will be attacked as well but it will be a revelation for you - and then you'll need to start getting involved with communities and tribes as things change.

The good news is, Bitcoin goes absolutely flying from November 2020 and institutions are tucking in to it all which bodes well and you adopt some strategies you've learned from LeoFinance, a new community you discover in October 2020 where crypto and finance posts are welcomed. Even better is that the community there will embrace you for your Layman's crypto posts so get stuck in lad! You'll be in for a bit of a scare when you dive deeper in to crypto taxes though and how HMRC see it but you'll be fine seeing as you just lump everything on the ledger anyway!

Towards the end of the year, you're going to be horrendously burned out as you once again feel the effects of being involved in too many projects on top of some horrendous changes at your day job around October 2020. Something has to give and in the end, you decide to look after your mental health first and foremost, whilst focusing on what you enjoy - blogging and sharing crypto & music posts. Your Top 3 contest will come to a natural end, you'll step back from EMA activities, you'll complete the 2,020 km challenge and Platform Project will also come to an end out of the blue too.

The cause of this outcome in all these projects is due to things in 3D world taking a really bad turn... as in... REALLY bad! The biggest single event you'll probably ever experience in your lifetime is a word you'll never hear the end of. Covid. No, I didn't just make that word up.

You remember seeing what was going down in Wuhan in China when a "novel Coronavirus" outbreak was being mentioned in November/December 2019... yeah it doesn't stay local to that area. It spreads... EVERYWHERE. Seriously, the whole world will be ground to a halt and life as you know it at this moment in time will be turned on its head. Enjoy it whilst you can up until around mid-March because from there, there's no "normal" anymore. At least you'll be able to work from home but you'll need to get used to "lockdowns" followed by total confusion, hysteria from the media and not meeting up with anyone like you used to be able to.

As you're an introvert, you won't be affected by it too badly and as you're not too wrapped up in mass media hysteria (like some you know), you just get the stripped down version and crack on the best you can. In fact, you actually spend more time on Hive earning crypto and apply those earning strategies I mentioned earlier which is fan-bloody-tastic! Oh yeah, it doesn't affect your ability to do the 2,020 km challenge either thankfully so you are able to get on that with eerily empty roads to run along.

One things for sure, you know that travel adventure you went on this year for 3 months? Yeah you will probably need to keep looking back at your pictures there to help you get through. The good news is you get pretty lucky in late Summer to have 2 weeks off and in Cornwall before sh*t hits the fan in the winter. Your travel plans, like pretty much everyone else's, are put on hold but you will still have a pretty productive year - you total legend!

So in summary you'll:

  • Complete the 2,020 km Challenge against all the odds
  • Step down from the projects you're involved or they'll come to an end
  • Make some pretty good crypto decisions and strategies
  • Keep in contact with some amazing people you've made friends with
  • Get fed up with covid
  • Learn to focus on what you can control

Good luck lad!


Absolute Legend 2020 😃

If you're up for it, would love to read @plantstoplanks, @traciyork, @fionasfavourites @foxyspirit

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