"Concerns the Natural Medicine Community. The ones which protect it..."

Top Priorities Of The GLOBAL RESISTANCE 2022 by newworldfreedom

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2020 was the very start of this Great Reset we see today globally. Originally named Great Culling. We won the information war last year in 2020. Which just happened to be online in modern times. All platforms were overrun and destroyed in 2020 already. We won already, the top layer of any battlefield is the information layer. It's just a question of how, when and what-after. Important to think about the latter.

The Global Resistance was born.

2021 The Global Resistance was born and we shook up the entire planet with the truth. Officials around the world got slapped and the people organized protests and actions all over the planet. Officials and countries were converted to the truth. The Global Resistance Got More Coordinated and grew significantly.

  • Remember this is a Global Battle which concerns us all. It's a complicated battle with multiple players. Some regions are living in Disneyland. But be assured we are winning globally, the rest will fall. Also remember the Deep State goes two ways. 👊

Top Priorities Of The Global Resistance

***** Resist and WIN anyway you can
***** Prepare for 2022
***** Convert all people especially officials like politicians, military and police to the truth with real evidence remains a top priority of the global resistance.
***** Peacefully and Democratically take over the fake news and psychological warfare television channels. Start showing the people the actual news and the actual studies (science) Will be a different ballgame after that. The psychological warfare channels will not magically change overnight.
***** Peacefully and Democratically take over leadership. We vote Advanced Electronic Democracy
***** Peacefully and Democratically take over our medical world and rebuild, the one for which WE pay.
***** Group up if you can.
***** Protect yourself and your loved ones.
***** Never take poisonous drugs or food.
***** De-Googled Phones (or other OS), Dump Microsoft Windows and upgrade to Linux. I advise Deepin Linux for normal usage. For privacy I advise the Privacy Guy. But be warned nothing is safe. Control the information.
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In 2021 Linux became a user friendly army of thousands of Operating Systems.
***** Boycott all of "their products and services".
***** If you are arrested, start writing your book and document what is going on. We are writing 1001 reasons why we are not complying.

***** CIVIL RESISTANCE 2.0. There are thousand of things each of us can do to help as this can end in a thousand different ways. Remember the world is watching, Document what is going on and keep your head high.
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**** Speaking the truth is obviously still important. But KNOW that this has been disproved a thousands of times over by the people and real scientists around the world.
**** Destroy all trolls with the relevant facts. *Perhaps tell them: After World 2 Chemical Genocidists and Collaborators were hunted down, trialed and executed to this very day. In modern times people and server tend to collect all sorts of evidence and logs, which usually comes with names and dates.

Might be wise to double check the facts on this one. That's good advise.*
***** Study Natural Medicine and detox poisonous ingredients. We advise Alfredo Bowman aka DR Sebi Methods.
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DR SEBI on The Rock Newman Show

A (IN)FAMOUS NON TOXIC PROVEN Corona Virus Cure By Dr Richard Cheng>>

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Remember it's our entire MEDICAL WORLD that needs fixing, not just this Corona Virus. Which has multiple proven cures. Understand this single sentence and you will understand what is going on today better than 99,9% of all people.

"Our medical world started to get hijacked by this same group in 1910 with The Flexner Report. They took over by law and closed down half of medical universities and removed actual human medicine to replace with patented drugs. Arrested doctors and/or forced them to quit like today. Those drugs do kill people. They even removed cures for cancer, like RSO. (most popular non toxic cancer cure of today, globally)

Mandatory Deathcamp Hospitals were born.

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What is happening today is The Flexner Report 2.0.

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The people of 1910 failed, pray we don't fail again!


Top Priorities Of The GLOBAL RESISTANCE (by newworldfreedom)

This is a cross post of @newworldfreedom/top-priorities-of-the-global-resistance-by-newworldfreedom by @newworldfreedom.

Concerns the Natural Medicine Community. The ones which protect it...

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