Rick Simpson Pop Quiz: What happens after a man or women cures themselves from stage 4 cancer in 2020?

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Rick Simpson Pop Quiz: What happens after a man or women cures themselves from stage 4 cancer?

A, The doctor calls all the NEWS channels, a helicopter of CNN arrives and announces that most cancers can be cured easy! Red carpets, David Letterman, Opera Windfrey, Gorden Ramsay Special: Cooking with a Cure of cancer, big televised research teams, thousands of statues build around the world and a Nobel Prize.

B, Doctors thank him, but no research, no media, nothing, chemotherapy continues.

C, Doctors went delusional and told the patient who just proved it that it's not proven, no research, no media, chemotherapy continues.

This question is designed to show the truth easy, I think most of the people in this community are starting to understand how our medical world works. I hope you understand that defense is necessary to stop this 110 year genocide since the Flexner report of 1910. I'm a big fan of Gandhi's "Civil Resistance" by the way. 🤠

This question is based on the experience of real people, 2 answers are possible

P.S. There are thousands of real doctors in the world, maybe millions, often named holistic doctors or traditional doctors who have cured thousands of diseases of what we have been told was incurable, these people deserve Nobel prizes like Dr Sebi and Rick Simpson.

Message to all geeks, double check this, in 2018 search results of keyword "natural cure + (disease name) usually led to a few names, which ones came up do you think? That was the largest unseen democratic vote in history of mankind by links, servers and people, also check link history of ""official sources. LOL"**

I'll end this with our medical world needs to be revised and democratically protected, that means by the people, patients are a fundamental component of our medical world, now pharma companies have almost total control, by confusing papers (laws).

Follow > @naturalmedicine @newworldfreedom 🤠

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