Right Here. Right Now

Our mind is powerful, and although we do not realize it, it is always working, it does it automatically in the areas where we have it trained with a minimum consumption of energy, to focus and spend more energy on those aspects that require analysis.

This is why it is of utmost importance to be aware of how we are training our mind, what we say to ourselves, what we are seeing, doing or reading that nourish our thoughts. We can compare it to our footsteps, if we get used to wearing bad shoes our feet will feel some discomfort initially, but later they will adapt, deform, affect our joints, our spine, causing the corresponding affections... But this does not happen overnight, it happens little by little, step by step, slowly and practically without realizing it.

Own Image, created in Paint and Microsoft Office Powerpoint.

The same happens with our mind, "every step", every recurrent thought, repeated over and over again in our mind, every day of every week of every month of every year, takes a lot of strength in us, and what we thought in a conscious way initially later became automatic, became a habit.

That is why someone who is used to complain constantly does it automatically and sometimes without even realizing it, and when the reason for his complaint no longer exists, he looks for another one. The same happens to those who are always worried, not being worried is "irresponsible" for them. Both practices are useless. Complaining and worrying are useless practices, they are paralyzing, they are demotivating, they are energy thieves, both of the person who complains or worries and of the one who is next to him listening to his eternal lament.

Complaining and worrying cannot change the world around us. I can even say that constant complaining and worrying are those "bad footsteps" I mentioned before, because they not only steal the body's energy, they paralyze to do something, they become inaction, they turn into demotivation, they even steal the will to live, they can trigger depression or anxiety. It should be noted that major depressive disorder or anxiety disorder are hellish diseases and require psychological help and treatment.

Therefore, it is not superficial to say that we should pay attention to our thoughts.

Right Here, Right Now is the time to stop and reflect on what you are constantly telling yourself.

Right Here, Right Now is the time when you can live, complaining too much does not allow you to live and enjoy your present moment, worrying too much can cause you anxiety about things that may not happen.

And if you feel that you cannot change your thoughts, that they overwhelm you, Right Here, at this moment of your life is the time to ask for help, you deserve to be understood, you deserve to overcome the situations that overwhelm you, you deserve to be able to move forward and feel motivated to continue.

Right Here, Right Now is the time.

A little about me

My name is Marlyn, and I want to clarify that I am not a psychologist, I am an Industrial Engineer, but I like to read about psychology, motivation, and that kind of stuff.

I felt motivated to write this post because this week I received terrible news, the son of a very dear friend had committed suicide, a young adult with great qualities, he had separated from his partner a few years ago and they had a daughter in common, and despite the time elapsed he never got over it. He left a letter in which he asked forgiveness for what he was going to do, and said he could not go on living, maybe that was his constant thought, I do not know, the thing is that the situation overtook him and he did not seek help....

When I was in college, my best friend told me one day that she would freeze the semester, we no longer saw the same classes because her major was Civil Engineering, in the study group that coincided she could not make a team, she could not fit in, and along with other personal problems she fell into depression. I was shocked, I did not realize it, we did not see each other much, but still how was it possible that I had not realized it, and the truth is that one does not always realize it, that is why those who are going through a depressive state should seek help, and also they should want help because otherwise they would not be able to get out of that state. I can say that my friend overcame depression, sought help in time, later graduated and we are still best friends.

Major depression is not cured by positive thinking, nor by smiling from the teeth out, to overcome it you have to seek help from mental health professionals?

However, my idea in writing this publication is to give importance to our thoughts, it is to become aware of how we feed our mind.

Maybe someone will tell me that by constantly complaining he will not fall into depression, well I do not know, I do not have that answer, but I do know that a person who always complains is not happy, because the constant complaint does not allow him to appreciate the good things he has in front of his eyes...

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