Life is Just That Simple - Our Inner Power

Life is Just That Simple

Surely we are all facing a tremendous world transformation and also an internal one. Everything is changing around us so fast and furiously, and this makes us think about what "changing" really means. All I always heard in my entire life is that life itself is so difficult to be lived and perpetrated; all I observe is people taking shortcuts imagining that all will magically change in a few seconds.

There is no need for shortcuts! Life has its own way and all we have to do is observe nature carefully and be respectful to all Beings. This simple action brings balance to the way we act in our everyday life, and everything is in place when respect is shown and love is given inmotivatedly!

The Nature in Us

Black-tufted marmosets and me.

If you are feeling stressed and irritated, if things are not working properly on your life, or if you are losing your temper more than you ever expected, try and take a break to be with yourself during the day. A few minutes every simgle day will do the job. Calm your mind down, clear all your thoughts (just don't fight them, jsut let them come and go) and be in a state where you can feel yourself in the world - connected with the world. This simple exercise will make you feel more comfortable, and making use of it regularly will surely increase your quality of life.

Feeding them with some bananas.

We are all perfect Beings, living in a perfect World we blame to be bad and unfair to us all. Is it true? Can the world be so bad to us all? Whenever Human Beings see that their actions are the ones to blame for contraty and negative outcomes to their lives, maybe some good internal change will be possible.

We all can play our parts when we understand that life is just that simple to be lived.

Lead your mind towards good thoughts; open your mouth to pronounce good and lovely words; try and eat healthly; respect the world around you; love yourself so you can love others as well. These steps are so simple to be given! You will see the difference when your mind, body and soul are all connected to this Immense Spirituality that sorrounds us all!

Note: These pictures belong to my personal archive and I chose them to write this post so we can all reunite with nature and feel its power in our hearts! Stay strong and safe!

Thank you so much for your visit, reading and comments!
Take care, @manandezo!
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October 3rd, 2020

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