The Bell Pepper known as Capcicum

This Bell pepper plant was given to me by my friend @clicker because they didn’t know how to grow it? And one more thing, they don’t have enough space and soil to grow it. Bell Pepper needs enough light from the sun.

Hopefully I can grow it and multiply the fruit. I remember, in the Philippines, at my age of 13 I had more than 20 plants of it but life did not last long. Because the soil I used was not fertile and I didn't water it often.


The Red, Orange, and Yellow Bell Peppers are full of great health benefits, they're packed with vitamins and low in calories! Bell Peppers also contain a healthy dose of fiber, folate, and iron. They are an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. "But my favorite was the Green Bell Peppers for the salad."

The use of Shaving Wood

There are many uses for Shaving Wood. It is often used in Mushroom breeding, and the rest is made into food for chickens. It is also effective as a soil fertilizer, as it helps retain water in the plant. But it is better to boil first the Shaving Wood for at least 1 hour to remove the remaining chemicals in the wood if it is coming from the factory-like what I have.


If it has been boiled for an hour, remove the water well and wash again with cold water and squeeze well. If the smell of wood is still strong, boil again for 30 minutes and repeat the process.

In a large container, pour Shaving Wood and also pour 5% Brown or Black sands if you are from the middle east, otherwise dry loam soil. Next is the crushed Egg Shell that you can see in the picture below. Mix well with your hands.


This method is very good for plants because the extra calcium will help prevent blossom-end rot. Plants like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, in particular, will benefit from shell fertilizer. If you only have indoor garden space, eggshells can still give your plant babies a boost in the form of "eggshell tea."

The Plant Transplantation

Before you transfer your plants to the pot, you first need to put the first layer on the pot, this is the dry grass or leaves as you can see in the picture below. If you do not have dry leaves, you can use shredded newspaper for the first layer. Next, you put the soil mixture in the pot and make sure it is compressed enough.


When removing Bell Pepper from its nursery, it is necessary to pull it out slowly with a stick or spoon so as not to cut its root. And always remember, once you transfer it to a new pot, gently water it until the whole soil is wet. Do not take more than 5 minutes before hose it after it has been transferred.


Remember, this plant is greedy for water, but it needs to be exposed to the sun in the morning until 10 and in the afternoon from 4 until the next day. This is how easy it is to take care of Bell pepper.

Happy planting and Gardening! _

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