Leatherwork Reviving


Ive been smoking tobacco and sacred herbs for a decade and throughout the years I've brought my rolling elements with me in different forms. From a plain cigarette pack with spare papers and herbs loosely inside, to a repurposed makeup bag with a vintage tin box as a rolling plate, or just everything scattered in the backpocket of my handbags, I never thought people had invented rolling pouches! It wasn't until I met @ravenking13 that I saw what such a product was amazing for. So when he lost his somewhere on a hike, I decided to make him a tailor made one last year.


Although I was trained in draping and design, working on leather accessories was a first serious venture for me. I still had some precious scrap pieces of crocodile, python and ostrich that I had safely guarded for 13 years since I graduated from fashion school and I thought such a design would be a perfect opportunity to give those spirit animals a life that is respected and honored by the holder. The fabric choice set, I made a little research to see what design layout would make for the best user experience.


Everything I create I aim to make it more functional and align the entire piece harmoniously.

What I had observed about most pouches out there was that depending on how full your loose tobacco pouch is, the fastening fit was variable. Especially when dealing with tobacco and herbs they have to stay moist and fresh as long as possible. Having a loose locking would let more air come in and let it all dry out quicker, so instead of using a press stud or a fixed snapper as a fastening method, I found that wrapping a cord around the pouch is always reliable as you can wrap it as tight as need be no matter how full it is.




The end of the cord could hold a super cool stuffer that would also help lock in the wrap-around, like a jewely touch, I thought to myself. I liked that idea, especially that once you got a stuffer by your hand you will always use it, however most designs don't include stuffers and when they do, it's secured with a string so close, so that you don't loose it, yet it makes way less room for handling. What especially bugged me in those kinds of products was the fact that the pouch had to be open to use the stuffer, while I found it more efficient to be able to use it either ways. The stuffer being at the end of the long cord would make a more relaxed setup and is multiple-users friendly too now :)




I was really happy that he liked the pouch and especially the features I had added. The crocodile parts proved to be perfect for a sturdy paper dispenser and a flat and stable rolling base.
To my surprise he asked if we could make some for sale and though we kind of did many other things the past year it wasn't until we found 2 super awesome ancient SINGER sewing machines in a fleamarket that their spirits inspired us to really get on that leatherwork. For the record, one is 111 years old and the other one 75, which is just incredible and surreal to work and live with such noble handmade specimens. So we pulled out all the leathers, the patterns, the possible stuffers and created some really awesome patterned textures with a noble and earthy feel.

I had no crocodile leather left to create similar mix trays, so we had to find an even better solution! It was the biggest challenge about the entire design.
After a couple of days contemplating the question, trying out different mockups with leather, finding a better, fun and seamless way to create a reliable rolling surface, we finally came up with an adaptable leather folding tray that we are kind of proud of. The filtertip can be tightened with the thin leather straps and the tray can be bend to keep the paper in place.



With that solved, all could be assembled to its glory.


After 2 all nighters, we finished those 4 one-of-a-kind pieces and have 4 others in the making for those who may want to lay a claim.. :)

Working on those really got the hang of us so we ordered more leather from a shop that collects left overs and scraps from the dying fashion industry and thread and tools to create more Leather pieces like traveler notebooks, wallets etc.

Even the idea of making our own buckskin and learning the art of tanning is a path I personally would love to discover, as I am sure it's an ancestral memory of sovereign and harmonious living within our DNA.

Everything has a time, now time to unveil the collection 😁











Every piece has had its materials been handpicked and has been developed uniquely, so the same design doesn't exist on the face of the earth. We will also never repeat the same exact design.
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More close-ups, information and prices are found on our website


How do you carry your sacred herbs? ;) I'd love to hear your thoughts on the design, especially if you have used such pouches and what kind of layout or features felt the best experience for you?

Have a lovely Weekend,
May you slay with Love,


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