The Condom - Hive Humor Challenge

Greetings friends of Hive, I would like to invite you all to be part of the Natural Medicine community and also to participate in this joyous challenge:

Laughter Is The Best Medicine 😂 Hive Humor Challenge

The Condom
This is a true story that happened to my cousin Jorge, who has the bad practice of cheating on his wife with other women, he is too womanizer.
Personally I do not agree with the men who do this, but I bring you the story since within my family this became a story to remember.

The point is that one day my cousin's wife got a condom in a trouser pocket that he had thrown away!

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When the wife asks for an explanation, my cousin, very calm and relaxed, says:

"... that was the compadre my love, who put that condom there to play a practical joke on me!"

The wife, like all women, does not have dumb hair, so she very cleverly instead of getting upset she says:
"The compadre? Ok, okay, well ... then I'm going to place it here and then I'll talk to the compadre"
... and she put the condom in the drawer of the nightstand.

The next day, the wife took a trip to visit her mother for the weekend.
My cousin Jorge took the opportunity to go on an infidelity date that weekend and took the condom that his wife had kept on the bedside table.

Upon returning from his sexual adventure, he stopped by a pharmacy and bought some condoms of the same make and model and carefully placed the condom back on the nightstand where his wife had kept it.

Once his misdeed was done, my cousin felt on top of the world. But...

When the wife returned from the trip, the first thing she did was go check if the condom was still in her drawer.

My cousin was very relaxed watching TV when he suddenly received a hit on his back. Pow! It had been his wife, enraged at him, who hit him.

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She says my cousin:
But woman what happens to you, did you go crazy? Why do you hit me?

The very upset wife tells him:
You took the condom that's there!

My cousin says to her:
Do not take it! that's there ... can't you see?

And the wife takes a piece of paper from her pocket and throws it away with contempt, saying:
Do you see that number that is written on that paper?

My cousin:
Of course I see it! What's that?

That's the BAR CODE number on the condom I left there! (She had written down the code before making the trip).

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Moral of the story: Never underestimate female intuition and intelligence. Never try to cheat on your wife.

I would like to invite: @nachomolina2, @joseguira and @betzaelcorvo to participate.

I would also like to invite you to join Holos&Lotus Community and discover all benefits that spiritual health brings us.

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Concurso Humor, risas y bienestar / Humor, laughter and well-being contest



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