The Mucusless Diet Cleanse...Dr. Richard Morse


I actually started this cleanse Friday - because I was working from home...

It did not seem to be working... until a day and half into it and now it is REALLY working. I don't think I am going to take my dinner segment of pills because I would just be in too much pain and we don't have enough toilet paper.

Friday, I took the pills 2 of each of the above, at 7am. Then, half an hour later, I drank a cup of warm lemon water and then ate an apple, a banana, 6 prunes, 6 figs, half a grapefruit and half an orange.

I see now I am not supposed to eat sweet fruits with acid fruits - so I won't do that again...

Nothing much happened.

Next near lunch time, I took 2 of each of the pills and then half an our later I ate Quinoa and blueberries.

Then at dinner time, I took 2 of each of the pills and then half an our later I cauliflower with herbs and kale with seeds and cherries stir-fried. Later I had a salad.


This morning...

I took the pills 2 of each of the above, at 7am. Then, half an hour later, I drank a cup of warm lemon water and then ate an apple, a banana, 6 prunes, 6 figs...

Nothing much happened.

Lunch time, I took 2 of each of the pills and then half an our later I ate some raw Jack Fruit - canned- organic - delicious! - Quinoa and blueberries and warm water to drink...and then...


It started. Now I am not really eating anything, just drinking warm lemon water and pooping every half hour. I am going to hold off on taking anymore tonight.

Dr. Morse basically recommends only eating FRUIT for the deepest cleanse and provides on his website free pdfs on how to combine the fruit.

I am eating some veggies and seeds - but it seems like a pretty deep cleanse... but no beans - i just ate a rice cake - not much of that - no other grains really - and now just water for the rest of the night probably unless I eat half an avocado.


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