Powerful effects of green tea on cervical lesions

(Image credits: Pexels)

Last Tuesday I left my gynecologist crying. My Pap smear was altered indicating the presence of a high-grade cervical dysplasia (CNI II, III). My gynecologist explained to me that this was a serious change of the cervix, a stage prior to a cervical cancer. For this reason, she would like to perform a colposcopy with biopsy to reach a conclusive result. Until then my exams didn't point anything wrong and suddenly, I have a diagnosis of a pre-cancer... That made me terrified.

On the same Tuesday I did the whole procedure that I could describe as a very painful Pap smear. A speculum was placed into my vagina, then the gynecologist applies acetic acid and looks with a microscope. In the sequence, he removed a piece of my cervix.

The result of my biopsy was not conclusive for the presence of CNI II, III but even so my gynecologist recommended me a conization surgery (cone biopsy or cold knife biopsy). Immediately, I started to look for some alternatives, and all that I discover I would like to share on this post.

The cervix and the female pleasure

I was felling completely lost after I receive the results of my pap smear and before the colposcopy. So, I made a lot of questions to my gynecologist. He was very patient and respond everything. But he also told me that this procedure wasn’t a big surgery and since the cervix is not a sensitive tissue, the only things I could have was complications to conceive and go though pregnancy.

Looking on internet however, I found this article where they mentioned that the Kinsey Report, the bible of the anatomy mentioned that the cervix was a completely insensitive part of genital anatomy. This study is dated from 1953 and, unbelievable, are still considered as truth for many physicians. However, recent studies have show that the cervix has a huge relation with woman pleasure.

This is another very interesting article that resumes everything, putting in check anatomy studies that dates from the past century, even they are considered as one bible to many physicians.

(Image credits: pexels)

The power of green tea

I didn’t finish my research yet, however I found very amazing study that demonstrated that green tea extracts in a form of ointment and capsule are effective for treating cervical lesions, suggesting that green tea extracts can be a potential therapy regimen for patients with HPV-infected cervical lesions.

In the comments of the Mary L. Hardy, MD, Associate Director, UCLA Center for Dietary Supplement Research: Botanicals Medical Director, Cedars-Sinai Integrative Medicine Program Los Angeles CA

Green tea, made from lightly steamed leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Steaming green tea leaves prevents the enzymatic breakdown of the polyphenol components, also known as catechins, which are thought to be responsible for its medicinal effects. The catechins in general account for up to 40% of the dry weight of tea and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most prominent catechin.”

Get in contact with this study was really a relief for me and my next step is to get in touch with more doctors, because I wouldn’t like to go to self-medication. If you are reading this, know any woman who had this problem, please share.

I hope this information help more women to help themselves and not accept to have your cervix cut for any doctor.

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