What's missing ?|😂 Hive Humor Challenge | Laugh Therapy


Good tidings individual Hivers! It's been excessive since a long time ago the Natural Medicine Community facilitated a contest, considering the grieved times we live in, we think humor and chuckling are truly necessary normal medications!

Please join this challenge and give your views guys @gapsy @bhattg @ayana51161 and @lsdmercyy47 thank you!!

So this is my view on humor and Laughter Therapy.

Due to work stress, our life has become complicated. In such a situation, there should be someone who keeps us laughing. Every day we see in newspapers, TV, news that how many people commit suicide every day.

This shows how weak a person has become today that he embraces death when there is a small thing. Such a step a person takes only when he is very disappointed and sad from inside. May there be no happiness in his life.
Now it is proved that how much "laughing" is needed in our life. People who keep laughing often, find solutions to the biggest problems. On the contrary, people who are often serious or silent, who are not cheerful, get upset when small problems arise. That's why it is said that "laughter is the greatest gift of nature".

That's why it is very important to laugh with friends. Everyone should be happy. In India, new comedy shows keep coming on TV which works to make us laugh. When a man comes home tired in the evening, such comedy shows bring him a lot of relief.

One such show is Comedy Night with Kapil. Nowadays artists like Raju Srivastava, Kapil Sharma, Joni Lever, Arshad Warsi, Bharti Singh, Krushna Abhishek are highly respected because they do the hard work of making us laugh. And as goes for every country there are many shows to make people happy and remove their daily bases stress.

Laughing, smiling is a divine gift. It feels great when we meet a smiling person. We understand that everything is fine. Conversely, if we meet someone very serious, it seems that something is wrong somewhere. That's why everyone considers laughing as a positive thing. That's why a proverb has been made "Laughter is the best medicine".
It is a natural pain reliever. When we laugh, our body releases hormones called endorphins, which are natural pain reliever. It relieves anxiety, depression, irritable behavior, body ache, muscle pain.

This is a good exercise. Laughing is considered an internal exercise. During laughing, the abdominal, respiratory system, shoulders, facial muscles get exercised well. Laughing out loud gives a good workout to our hearts.
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Our heartbeat increases by 20%. The risk of heart attack is less as compared to other people. Burns 10 to 40 calories. Laughing for 1 hour daily burns 400 calories of energy, which keeps a person healthy. Obesity does not come near.

Laughing gives us new energy. Lungs exercise. Blood pressure returns to normal. It boosts our immunity. Research has found that cheerful people, read less sick than others.
Our confidence increases when we laugh. Has a good effect on the front. If we ask someone to do some work by laughing, then people do it. On the contrary, if someone is asked to do some work by being serious or disappointed, then people do not do it.

Everyone likes to laugh, smile. There are many benefits of laughing. This makes our attitude positive. People with a positive attitude in life get success soon. This has been found in research.

Such people who laugh a lot before sleeping at night, get good sleep. Good sleep is very beneficial. This adds to the beauty. The glow remains on the body and face. In this way, if you laugh for a while before sleeping at night, then it is very beneficial.

So that's the reason that many comedy TV shows come between 8 and 10 pm. Nowadays people live under so much stress that they get to sleep only after eating the sleeping pills. They are seriously dangerous for health. So try to laugh openly.

Laughter Therapy

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Nowadays "Laugh Therapy" Laughter Therapy has become very popular. In this, people gather without any purpose in a park or open space and laugh out loud. This is called "laugh therapy". By doing this, there is immediate relief in diseases like depression, depression, migraine, headache, stress.

It is very profitable. People of all ages can do it. Nowadays it has become very famous. Apart from this, "Comedy Kavi Sammelans" "Standup" are also often held in cities, which work to make people laugh. Nowadays there are almost 8000 laughter clubs have been formed in our country.

Benefits of laughing

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There are many benefits of laughing. During laughing, 15 facial muscles work together, which increases the brightness of the face. The person seems more youthful and beautiful, youthful. Laughing every day stops aging.

That's why you guys should not miss any chance to laugh. The eminent psychologist Dr. Thaiton has said that the best cure for wrinkles on the face is laughter.


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In today's article, we have told you everything in detail about laughing, what are the benefits of it. According to the doctor, 3 things are needed to stay healthy – a balanced diet, peace of mind, and laughing openly.

Perhaps that is why it is said that "laughter is the best medicine" how important it is to laugh, it can also be understood that now all over the world, "Word Laughter Day" World Laughter Day is celebrated every year the first Sunday of May.

In 2018, it was celebrated on 6th May, Sunday. Remember, "Laughter is a blessing. It is a medicine for a hundred diseases, I thanks @naturalmedicine @holos-lotus @miriannalis @pavanjr @justinparke @theycallmedan @aliento, and @riverflows to make this wonderful contest for making an individual aware of mental health and happiness. I love the initiative you all have taken
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